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15 Examples of Biotic factors in an Ecosystem

September 10, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

Biotic factors are all the living factors present in an ecosystem. They vary in different biomes. Plants, animals, bacteria, insects, algae, fungi, and viruses are the examples of biotic factors.

image showing Examples of Biotic factors in an Ecosystem

Also learn about Abiotic factors in an ecosystm

Examples of Biotic factors

here are 15 examples of biotic factors present in an ecosystem. These biotic factors collectively contribute to the complexity and stability of ecosystems by interacting with each other and their physical environments.

1. Plants

Plants are essential biotic factors in ecosystems. They provide oxygen, food, and habitats for various organisms.

2. Animals

Animals like herbivores, cornivores, mammals, insects all are one of the most important biotic factors in an ecosystem.

3. Fungi

Fungi, like mushrooms and molds are examples of biotic factors in certain biomes. They help decompose organic matter and form symbiotic relationships with plants.

4. Bacteria

Bacteria are important living factor that are involved in nutrient cycling, soil health, and various biological processes within organisms.

5. Protists

Protists are example of biotic factor in aquatic ecosystem. Protists, as algae and amoebas, serve as primary producers and are important in aquatic ecosystems.

6. Viruses

Viruses can impact the health and population dynamics of many organisms, including humans.

7. Decomposers

Decomposers like earthworms and carrion-eating insects break down dead organic matter, recycling nutrients.

8. Predators

Predators regulate prey populations, contributing to the overall balance of ecosystems.

9. Prey

Prey species are essential in supporting predator populations and shaping their behaviors.

10. Mutualistic Symbionts

Mutually beneficial relationships exist between organisms, such as bees and flowering plants, which rely on each other for survival.

11. Parasites

Parasitic organisms can negatively impact host species, influencing their behaviors and health.

12. Herbivores

Herbivores feed on plants, influencing plant populations and distribution.

13. Omnivores

Omnivores are organisms that consume both plants and animals, playing diverse roles in food webs.

14. Scavengers

Scavengers help clean ecosystems by consuming dead animals and preventing the spread of disease.

15. Detritivores

Detritivores, like woodlice and dung beetles, feed on decaying organic matter, further aiding in nutrient recycling.

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