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10 Examples of counseling in students

September 23, 2023
written by Areej Khan

Counseling is a process that can help students with a variety of issues, including academic, social, emotional, and behavioral problems. It can also help students develop coping skills and resilience.

Here are 10 examples of counseling in students.

Image showing the Examples of Counseling

Examples of Counseling

1: Academic counseling

This type of counseling can help students with issues such as study skills, time management, test anxiety, and course selection.

2: Career counseling

This type of counseling can help students explore their career options, develop a resume and cover letter, and prepare for job interviews.

3: Social counseling

This type of counseling can help students with issues such as making friends, dealing with bullying, and resolving conflicts.

4: Emotional counseling 

This type of counseling can help students with issues such as grief, anxiety, depression, and stress.

5: Behavioral counseling

This type of counseling can help students with issues such as anger management, hyperactivity, and defiance.

6: Group counseling

This type of counseling involves a group of students who meet with a counselor to discuss common issues.

7: Family counseling

This type of counseling involves the student, their parents, and sometimes other family members. It can be helpful for addressing issues that are affecting the student’s family life.

8: Crisis counseling

 This type of counseling is provided to students who are experiencing a crisis, such as the death of a loved one, a natural disaster, or a traumatic event.

9: Peer counseling

This type of counseling involves students providing support and guidance to other students.

10: Online counseling

This type of counseling is provided online, and can be a convenient option for students who have difficulty accessing traditional counseling services.