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10 Examples of Newtons Third Law

September 14, 2023
written by Qamar Zaman

Newtonโ€™s Third Law of Motion states For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, when one object exerts a force on another, the second object exerts an equal force in the opposite direction. Examples of the third law of motion include Jumping off a Diving Board and Jet Propulsion.

Examples of Newtons Third Law

Here are ten examples of Newtonโ€™s Third Law in action.

image of Examples of Newtons third Law

1. Jumping off a Diving Board

When you jump off a diving board, your feet push the board down (action), and in response, the diving board pushes you upward (reaction), propelling you into the air.

2. Rowing a Boat

Rowing a boat involves pushing water backward with oars. The water exerts an equal and opposite force on the boat, propelling it forward.

3. Walking

When you walk, you push backward against the ground with your feet (action). In response, the ground exerts an equal and opposite force forward, allowing you to move ahead (reaction).

4. Rocket Propulsion

Rocket Propulsion is a very common example of third law of motion. In a rocket engine, high-speed exhaust gases are expelled backward (action). The expelled gases generate an equal and opposite force that propels the rocket forward (reaction).

5. Balloon-Powered Car

A balloon-powered car moves forward when air rushes out of the balloon in one direction (action). The car moves in the opposite direction due to the equal and opposite reaction of the expelled air.

6. Recoil of a Firearm

When a bullet is fired from a gun, the bullet moves forward (action), and the gun experiences a backward recoil force (reaction) in response to the bulletโ€™s ejection.

7. Jet Propulsion

Jet engines expel high-speed exhaust gases backward (action), creating an equal and opposite forward thrust (reaction) that propels the aircraft forward.

8. Bouncing a Ball

When you bounce a ball, you push it downward onto the ground (action). In response, the ground exerts an equal and opposite force, causing the ball to bounce back upward (reaction).

9. Pushing a Wall

If you push a wall with your hand (action), the wall exerts an equal and opposite force on your hand (reaction), making it impossible to move the wall.

10. Swimming

When a swimmer pushes water backward with their arms and legs (action), the water exerts an equal and opposite force on the swimmerโ€™s body (reaction), propelling them forward through the water.

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