How to determine reading level of a child?
Reading Level of Children and its Impact
The importance of reading for children cannot be overlooked as it can improve their mental capability, boost their brain development and it will also help them to grow their language skills.
In the present scenario, the majority of the children are getting used to the internet and social media and hence it is the responsibility of the parents to teach their kids the importance of reading.
Here are some key points that will help you to understand the reading level of the child.
How to Determine Reading Level of Child?
Reading levels are defined by the difficulty that the child faces while reading. The main aim of this is to help the parents to decide whether the child is ready to read the books or not. There are certain tests that are conducted on the child and these tests will help to estimate the reading level. These tests will also be helpful to increase the reading level of children.
1. The Simple Rapid Number Recognition Test
This is the most common test that is conducted for children. The test includes the child who is 6 years old and above, and it involves the number sequence of 1 to 50. This test will help to check the ability of the child to identify the number.
2. The Picture Sequence Recognition Test
It is the second test that is conducted for children who are 8 years old and above. In this test, the child will have to recognize the picture. Here, the child will have to memorize the words which are presented in the picture.
3. The Word Recognition Test
This is the third test that is conducted for children who are 9 years old and above. Here, the child will have to recognize the words that are presented in the image.
4. The Reading Comprehension Test
This is the most common test that is conducted for children who are 10 years old and above. In this test, the child will be asked to read the words which are written on the card.
5. The Comprehension and Expression Test
It is the fifth test that is conducted for children who are 11 years old and above. Here, the child will have to answer the questions based on the text that is given on the card.
6. The Fluency Test
This is the last test that is conducted for children who are 12 years old and above. Here, the child will have to write a paragraph based on the text which is given.
In the current world, children are growing up faster than the previous generations, so it is the responsibility of the parents to make their children learn the importance of reading. The test that I have suggested will help the parents to know the reading level of their child and it will also help to guide them on the right path.
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