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How to Make Study Time Table for students?

July 19, 2022
written by Adeel Abbas

Student life is full of stress and a lot of problems arise in every student’s life. The student has to pass various exams and write lots of assignments and he needs to learn everything from books.

However, if a student fails to make a study timetable then all his efforts will go waste and he will fail the exams. Now, it is up to you to set the time and date to make your study time table.

Here are the top 7 tips for making a study time table:

1. Set a timetable

It is very important to set a time table as it will help you to know when you need to wake up and what time you need to go to sleep. If you don’t set a schedule then you will be confused about which time you need to wake up or when you need to sleep.

2. Set a fixed time table

Sometimes it becomes a big problem for the students as they have to get up early or they have to go to bed late. But if you have set a fixed schedule, then it will help you a lot. You can make a time table according to the academic session and can make a weekly time table. You can make a daily time table if you have a proper study place and if you can sit in a proper way.

3. Avoid unnecessary activities

Doing any extra activity in the morning hours will not help you in any way. Even if you have time, then don’t waste it by doing something which is not necessary. Make a time table for the day and then try to avoid unnecessary activities.

4. Eat well

Make sure that you have proper nutrition as it is very important. If you eat food that is not good for you then you will not feel like studying. You can make a time table according to your meals and you can also have a lunch box.

5. Make a to-do list

A to-do list will help you in many ways. You can make a to-do list by considering the following things:

a. Important stuff which you have to do

b. Important stuff which you need to do

c. Stuff that is not urgent but you need to complete

d. Stuff that is not important but you need to do it

e. Stuff which is not urgent and you need to do it

6. Write your time table

You can make a time table on paper, but it is better if you can make a digital one. You can use a tablet or any other smartphone and write down the timetable.

7. Make sure that you do not skip the lectures

If you miss a lecture and if you don’t know the information then it will be very hard for you to pass the exams. So, make sure that you make a time table and you make a schedule.

If you follow the above tips then you can definitely make your study timetable. You can follow all the tips and make a time table. It will help you in many ways.