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How to study effectively for exams in a short time?

June 10, 2022
written by Adeel Abbas
image showing a student preparing for the exam in a short time

If you’re taking exams in a short time, you can use our strategy to study efficiently and get the results you deserve.

Most of us are busy with our professional life and we don’t have enough time to prepare for the exam. If you are also struggling with the same problem then you are at the right place, so I will tell you a secret that you don’t need to prepare for the exam.

But this isn’t a joke, it is the truth that you don’t need to study more, just read your notes several times and memorize them.

The most common mistake that students make when they are preparing for the exam is that they read the notes and try to understand the subject, but that won’t be enough.

You need to study in a proper way that will help you to learn the concept as well as the exam pattern. So, here are some tips that will help you to learn the concepts in a short time.

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1: Decide what to study?

However, one of the most important things is to figure out what you need to study for each subject. You should make a list of your subjects with the topics that you are weak at.

For example, if you are weak at physics, then you will need to focus on physics topics instead of the other subjects.

2: Plan time for each subject

Once you know how much time you have to study for each subject, you should divide the amount of time by the number of topics in each subject. This gives you the number of hours that you need to study per subject. This will allow you to plan out what you need to do and when you should do it.

For example, let’s say you need to study physics for 10 hours. This means that you need to study for one hour for each topic. If you have a week, then this is how many hours you should spend on each subject. If you can only study for three hours, then you need to start studying earlier.

3: Study regularly

Once you have a plan, the next thing to do is to study every day. This means that you need to work with the amount of time that you have to study. You will find that there are days when you don’t have much time to study.

These are days when you need to study every hour. However, if you find that you can’t study during this time, then you should try to study a little later.

4: Take a break when stuck 

When you find yourself stuck on a difficult problem, take some time off. Don’t try to tackle it right away. Instead, you should just relax and take it easy. Your mind will start working again once you take a break.

This method will allow you to learn as much as you can during the limited amount of time that you have. After all, no one wants to cram for the exam and only get a mediocre grade.

It will also save you a lot of time. If you are taking notes, you will find that you spend a lot of time writing down notes. You can take some time to organize your notes into an outline instead. This will make it easier for you to refer back to them later on.

One of the best ways to study effectively is to use the Pomodoro technique. This involves focusing on one topic for 25 minutes, then taking a 5-minute break. Repeat this process until you have finished studying.

The key here is to be able to manage your time. If you don’t have enough time to study, then you should start earlier. If you have too much time, then you should cut down on the time that you spend studying.

5: Read the Notes Several Times

Many students think that if they read the notes several times then they will remember everything. But it is not true, it is the best way to learn the concepts. You need to read the notes and if you don’t understand the concept then you can re-read the note.

You can make notes on the topics that you have understood well and you can easily follow them. I know that this is the easiest way of studying but if you are not understanding the concept, then it is the best option for you.

6: Understand the Exam Pattern

If you are confused about the exam pattern then you need to ask the professor or the guide. They will guide you in a proper manner and will answer your queries.

If you don’t have any idea about the exam pattern then you can read the notes and find out what questions you need to study and how much time will be taken for each topic.

7: Get the Best Tutor

This is the most important part of your study. It will help you to choose the best tutor and it will also teach you how to select a good tutor. You need to choose the best tutor who will guide you in a proper manner and who will teach you the whole syllabus.

The final way to study effectively is to practice. When you are learning a new concept, you should practice it over and over again. When you do this, you will learn it faster and retain it longer. You should also try to review what you learned before an exam.


So, these were some effective tips for studying effectively in a short time. If you are preparing for your exam then you will need to read the notes, understand the exam pattern and select the best tutor for your preparation.