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Introduction to Flowchart | Difference between Flowchart and Algorithm

July 21, 2022

A Graphical representation of an algorithm is called a flowchart.

It is a way of visually presenting the flow of data, operations performed on data, and the sequence of these operations.

A flowchart is one of the problem-solving techniques source. A flowchart is a combination of two words flow and chart. A chart contains different symbols to display information about any program. Flow indicates the direction processing that takes place in the flowchart.

The flowchart is similar to the setup plan of a building. A designer draws the setup plan of the building before constructing it. Similarly, before writing a computer program a programmer prefers to draw a flowchart. The flowchart is designed according to the defined rules of the flowchart.

Uses of Logic Flowchart

There are different reasons to use a flowchart

  • The flowchart is used to represent an algorithm in a simple graphical manner.
  • The flowchart is used to show the steps of an algorithm easily.
  • A flowchart is used to understand the flow of the program.
  • The flowchart is used to improve the logic for solving a problem.
  • Programs can be reviewed and debugged easily.

Flowchart Symbols

A flowchart uses different symbols to show different types of statements.

Input/ Output symbol in a flowchart

A parallelogram symbol is used to display input and output. The data we give to the computer is called input which is given by the parallelogram symbol in the flowchart. The output statement is used to display a message to the user or to display the result.

Image showing the input / Output symbol
input/output symbol

Process symbol in a flowchart

A rectangle symbol is used to represent a process type. A process symbol is most broadly used in the flowchart because it performs the action.

Image showing the Processing  symbol
Process symbol

Selection symbol in a flowchart

A diamond symbol is used to represent a decision step. A condition is given in the diamond. The flow of control from the diamond may go in two directions i.e. one direction if the condition is true and the second direction if the statement is false.

Image showing the Selection symbol
Selection symbol

Start/ End symbol in a flowchart

The Start and End of the flowchart are represented by the oval symbol. It usually contains the word โ€œStartโ€ or โ€œendโ€.

Image showing the Start/ End symbol
Start/ End symbol

Flow Lines symbol in a flowchart

Arrow symbols are used to represent the direction of flow in the flowchart. There are four types of flow lines.

Image showing the Flow lines
Flow Lines symbol

Connector symbol in a flowchart

Circle symbols are used to combine different flow lines. It is used when two or more flow symbols come from different directions and move in one direction.

image showing the connector symbol
connector symbol

Functional call symbol in a flowchart

A rectangle symbol with double lines on the left and right sides is used to call a function. The name of the function with parameters is written inside the symbol.

Image showing the Functional call symbol
Functional call symbol

Preparation symbol in a flowchart

This symbol is used for loops to specify the Start and Stop conditions.

Image showing the Preparation symbol
Preparation symbol

Limitation of Flowchart

  • For complex problems, it is difficult to draw a flowchart.
  • The flowchart has to be redesigned if we need any changes.


This flowchart represents the steps for finding the product of two numbers.

Image showing the flowchart of product of two number


This flowchart represents the steps of an algorithm that inputs the marks of a student. If marks are 40 or more, it displays โ€œPassโ€. Otherwise, it displays โ€œFailโ€.

Image showing the flowchart of student's marks.

Difference between Flowchart and Algorithm

1. Standard symbols are used to design a flowchart.1. Simple English is used to write algorithms.
2. Flowchart consumes more time2. Algorithm consumes less time.
3. Modification of flowchart is difficult.3. Modification of algorithm is easy.
4. Graphical representation of the solution is called flowchart4. It is a step-by-step procedure to solve a problem.