What Are Different Laws In Physics?
Laws In Physics
Physics is the science of different laws. There are some different laws in Physics.
1. Newtonโs Laws of Motion
Newtonโs laws are the foundation of physics. These three laws explain how objects move and interact with each other. If you understand these laws, then you will have a good understanding of everything else in science.
2. Conservation of Mass
Mass is the amount of matter inside an object. When a mass is conserved, it means that the total amount of matter does not change over time.
3. Law of Gravity
The law of gravity states that two massive bodies attract each other. In order to keep things stable, they need to pull on each other.
4. Law of Momentum
Momentum is the measure of how much force an object exerts on its surroundings. An example of momentum would be if I were to throw a ball at my friend. He may catch the ball, but he will still be thrown back. Momentum is measured in Newtons (N).
5. Law of Inertia
Inertia is the property of an object where it continues moving unless acted upon by an outside force. An example of inertia would be a car rolling down a hill. Once the car starts going down the hill, it will continue to roll until something stops it.
6. Law of Attraction
This law says that whatever goes around comes around. Whatever action happens, opposite reaction happens. So if I push someone, they will push me back.
7. Law of Universal Gravitation
Universal gravitation is the idea that all planets attract each other. This means that the Earth pulls on the moon, which pulls on the sun, which pulls on the Earth.
8. Law of Reciprocity
When doing work, sometimes the amount of work done by a force equals the amount of work performed by the same force acting in the opposite direction. For example, if I push my car forward, the force exerted on the car is equal to the force I exert pushing on the car.
9. Law of Universal Gravitation
Every particle attracts every other particle with a force directly proportional to their masses. The closer two particles are together, the stronger this attraction becomes.