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Types of output devices

August 18, 2022

What is an Output Device?

Output devices refer to hardware components that transmit processed data from a computer to another device or a user.

The processed data given to the user is known as the output. The computer gives us output as a result of any input given to it.

Devices that send data to a computer are inputs, while those that receive and present data are outputs. Think of it like a conversation: inputs “talk” to the computer, while outputs “speak” to you.

image showing the output devices

Why Do We Need Output Devices?

Output devices are essential because they allow computers to communicate with us in ways we understand—through visuals, sounds, and printed information. They make the digital world accessible and interactive. They increase our ability to receive information, make decisions, and use content.

Types of Output Devices

Output Devices devices can be categorized based on their functions:

1. Audio Output Devices

Audio Output Devices focus on transporting digital sound signals to audible experiences. Speakers operate on the principle of powering these mechanical vibrations from electrical signals so that we can hear the sound waves. Small speakers in headphones near the ears give out the sound directly to the ears, so there is a direct effect on the ear, or we could call it personalized sound. Audio amplifiers increase the overall sound quality of the audio signal by amplifying weak signals up to a decent loudness for the driving speaker.

2. Visual Output Devices

The Visual Output Devices are designed to display the digital content visually using various technologies. Monitors convert the digital information into visual representation by lighting up a pixel on a monitor based on what is fed to them. All projectors use light sources and lenses to project images onto a screen or other surface that can be viewed. Light-emitting diodes (LED) are used to create display luminous forms in LED displays used in digital signage and electronic displays. By printing, they take digital images and text and reproduce them physically in a specific pattern—ink or toner is applied to paper. Plotters use a pen or other tool to draw precisely on paper and produce detailed graphical output.

3. Sensation Output Devices

Sensation Output Devices are the sensation devices that work with the sense of touch and tactile experiences. Haptic feedback devices use motors or actuators to vibrate or force as if it was touched and provide a fuller understanding. Braille embossers use mechanical means to emboss Braille dots onto paper so the user can ‘read’ information through touch. Tactile feedback interfaces leverage different mechanisms to map physical sensations onto the touch interactions with surfaces, including touchscreens.

4. Physical Output Devices

In Physical Output Devices, we transform digital instructions into tangible objects through Physical Output Devices such as 3D printers, which function and use 3D designs to deposit material layer by layer to create 3D objects. CNC allows materials to be cut or shaped through computer-controlled instructions, providing ideal precision and repeatability.

5. Communication Output Devices

The Communication Output Devices transmit digital information. The fax machine takes a digital document and turns it into an analog signal to send through the phone line; when it reaches the other end, it produces a physical copy. LED status indicators use different colours and patterns to display the system state or system condition.

6. Specialized Output Devices

Different specialized Output Devices are meant for various applications and industries. The real-time information shown to air traffic control displays assists controllers in precise and efficient air travel. Barcode printers ensure safe and easy inventory tracking with barcodes on the labels they produce.

7. Interactive Output Devices

Interactive Output Devices encourage user and peer interaction. Interactive whiteboards combine a display with touch or pen input so that users can interact with and manipulate the scale of the displayed content. Virtual reality headsets detect head and body movements to transport users into an interactive virtual environment.

8. Remote Output Devices

Remote Output Devices are capable of displaying content in distant locations. Digital signage is controlled using digital technology in public spaces and delivers dynamic content. LED/LCD billboards are large-scale LED or LCD-based outdoor displays for communicating information to a large mass.