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What Is Considered Full Time Student?

August 4, 2022
written by Adeel Abbas

In our society full-time means working from 9 to 6. But, students who are pursuing education to earn a degree, are considered to be full-time students.

A full-time student is someone who studies in higher education institutes like universities, colleges, and polytechnic colleges. The students who are enrolled in any degree course (diploma, bachelor, master, Ph.D., etc) will be full-time students. Whereas, the students who are enrolled for a specific semester or a year they will be called part-time students.

Students who study in the school full time are considered full-time students. A student who studies full-time for more than 10 years is considered a full-time student. Students who study full time mean that they are doing their course for more than 10 years.

There are some students who study in the school and after that, they donโ€™t continue their studies. This is the most common reason for this. They will either quit their study or do some job so that they can pay their tuition fees.

Full-time students may also get a scholarship or bursary. Scholarships are given to students who are awarded scholarships and bursaries by the government or by the universities. These are the main factors that make the students full-time students.

Types of Full-Time Students

There are three types of full-time students:

A) Full-time students who are receiving a scholarship

The main difference between these students and the part-time students is that the part-time students are not getting any financial support from the college while the full-time students are being provided with financial assistance.

B) Full-time students who have a part-time job

These are the students who have a part-time jobs and they donโ€™t receive any financial assistance.

C) Full-time students who earn their living through a part-time job

These are the students who are working as part-timers and donโ€™t receive any financial support.

Full-time students are required to attend classes and are supposed to sit for exams.

Students who are attending a full-time course will be awarded degrees after completing the course. In the case of the part-time students, their graduation is decided on the basis of attendance and performance in the examinations.

Full-time students usually get financial assistance to the extent of one-third of the total cost of the course. However, if the student is receiving financial assistance, then he/she will be given a stipend.

If you are a full-time student and you are having doubts regarding the same, then do consult with a teacher because it is their responsibility to check whether you are attending full-time or not.