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What is HTML? | Different HTML Tags

August 3, 2022

The full form of HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a simple language that is used to create web pages. Every web page is connected with other pages using a link called a hyperlink.

It is firstly developed in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee.

What is HTML?

In HTML, two terms need to be understood.

  • Hyperlink
  • Markup Language


The term hyperlink is used due to special text in the webpage called a hyperlink. Through these links, we can move from one page to another. Hyperlinks are used to navigate the World Wide Web.

Markup Language

A webpage consists of a series of elements that are represented by tags.

Different types of tags are used for different purposes. Every opening tag <p> has its closing tag, which is closed with a slash symbol </p>.

Different tags in HTML

There are different HTML tags, which are used for different purposes.

image showing the Different tags in HTML


 This tag is used to define the document type and HTML version. <! DOCTYPE html>

<html>: this tag is used to enclose the whole Html document. Mean all tags are used under this tag. It has also a closing tag at the end of the document </html>.

<html>โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ. </html>

The HTML document primarily consists of two sections.

Head Section:

A Head section typically defines the documentโ€™s title, styles, and other information about the whole document. The Head section starts with <head> tag and ends with </head>. This tag is used for document header which can keep the other HTML tags like <link>, <title> etc.

Body section:

 The body section contains the actual contents of a webpage that are visible inside a webpage. This section starts with <body> and ends with </body>.

<title>: This tag is used to define the document title.


<!โ€”โ€ฆโ€”>: This tag defines the comments.

Font Style tag

<b>: This tag is used to make the text bold.

<b>Eduinput </b>

<i>: This tag is used to make the text italic.

<i> Eduinut </i>

<u>: This tag is used to make the text underlined.

<u> Eduinput</u>

Paragraph tag:

 A paragraph tag is used for the paragraph.


Heading tag:

 A heading tag is used for different headings.

<h1>โ€ฆ</h1> This tag is used for most important heading. <h6>โ€ฆ</h6> This tag is used for least important heading.

Line break tag

<br> this tag is used for a single-line break


List tags

<ol> This tag is used for an ordered list.

 <ul> This tag is used for an unordered list. It is used for different lists like a list with a sublist.

<li> This tag is used for a list item in a bulleted (ordered list)


<dl> this tag is used for definition lists. It is used when you need to show some terms and their description.


Image tag

<IMG SRC=โ€image.gifโ€> this tag is used to add an image to the page.

Creating graphical hyperlinks:

<a> This tag is used to create the image hyperlink.


Table tags


This tag is used for the table.


<TR>: This tag is used to start row

<TD>: This tag is used to enter data in the cell

</TD>: This tag is used to

</TR>: Puts an end to a row.

Block of the content container

<div> This tag is used for a block of content
