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20 ways to say “Good Luck”

March 2, 2023

When we wish someone good luck, we express our hope that they will succeed in their endeavors. Whether it’s an upcoming exam, job interview, or sports competition, wishing someone good luck can give them the encouragement and positivity they need to achieve their goals.

Here are 20 ways to say good luck, along with examples of how to use them in a sentence:

  1. Break a leg! (said to performers before a show)
    Example: “Break a leg out there on stage!”
  2. Good Luck!
    Example: “Good luck with your exam tomorrow. I know you’ll do great.”
  3. Best of luck!
    Example: “I’m wishing you the best of luck on your exam.”
  4. You can do it!
    Example: “I believe in you. You can do it!”
  5. I have faith in you!
    Example: “I have faith in you that you’ll ace the interview.”
  6. Hope everything works out!
    Example: “Hope everything works out with your new venture.”
  7. Here’s hoping!
    Example: “Here’s hoping that you have a successful business trip.”
  8. Godspeed! (used to wish someone success on a journey)
    Example: “Godspeed on your trip back home.”
  9. Go get ’em!
    Example: “Go get ’em, tiger!”
  10. May the force be with you! (a reference to Star Wars, used to wish someone luck) Example: “May the force be with you on your big presentation.”
  11. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!
    Example: “I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you to get that promotion.”
  12. Good vibes only!
    Example: “Sending you good vibes for your upcoming project.”
  13. Go for it!
    Example: “You’ve got this. Go for it!”
  14. I’m rooting for you!
    Example: “I’m rooting for you to win the race.”
  15. Best wishes for a successful event!
    Example: “Best wishes for a successful event tonight.”
  16. Keep your chin up!
    Example: “Keep your chin up during your tough exam.”
  17. May fortune smile upon you!
    Example: “May fortune smile upon you during your job search.”
  18. Good luck and have fun!
    Example: “Good luck and have fun on your first day of work.”
  19. Sending positive thoughts your way!
    Example: “Sending positive thoughts your way for your upcoming audition.”
  20. Here’s to a successful outcome!
    Example: “Here’s to a successful outcome on your big project.”

Remember that wishing someone good luck is a simple yet powerful gesture that can uplift their spirits and help them achieve their goals. So the next time you know someone who needs a little encouragement, try using one of these 20 ways to say good luck to show them that you believe in them and their abilities.

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