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Decided vs. Decisive-Difference between and example

June 8, 2023
written by Areej Khan

In the English language, certain words may sound similar but possess distinct meanings and usage.

Two such words that often lead to confusion are “decided” and “decisive.”

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In this article, we will explore the contrast between these terms, providing clear definitions, examples, and insights into their proper usage.

Understanding the difference between “decided” and “decisive” will empower you to express your thoughts and intentions accurately.

Let’s delve into the realm of decision-making and determination as we unravel the disparities between “decided” and “decisive.”

Meanings and Examples

Decided Meaning

The meaning of Decided is,

Adjective: “Decided” refers to something that has been resolved, settled, or concluded. It implies a clear and definitive choice or action.

Decide Examples

  • After much consideration, they made a decided effort to pursue their dreams.
  • The team reached a decided consensus on the best course of action.
  • She showed a decided improvement in her performance after receiving additional training.

Decisive Meaning

The meaning of Decisive is,

Adjective: “Decisive” describes someone or something that displays the ability to make decisions promptly and effectively. It implies being resolute, determined, and having the capacity to bring about a definite outcome.

Decisive Examples

  • The decisive leader quickly assessed the situation and implemented a strategic plan.
  • His decisive actions during the crisis helped avert a major disaster.
  • She possesses a decisive personality, which makes her an excellent leader.

Differences between Decided and Decisive

MeaningHaving made a firm decision or resolutionSettling or determining an outcome or decision
Part of SpeechAdjectiveAdjective
UsageShe finally made a decided effort to pursue her dreams.His decisive actions led to a successful resolution of the conflict.

Usage in a Paragraph

As the deadline approached, they found themselves facing a crucial business decision. After extensive research and careful analysis, they reached a decided course of action.

With a decisive mindset, they confidently presented their proposal to the board of directors. Their well-prepared presentation, coupled with their decisive demeanor, impressed the decision-makers.

The board acknowledged their ability to make informed choices and praised their decisive nature. Ultimately, their decision-making skills and decisive actions led to the success of their project.

While “decided” and “decisive” may sound similar, they have distinct meanings and usage in the English language. “Decided” refers to something that has been resolved or settled, while “decisive” characterizes someone or something that possesses the ability to make effective decisions.

Recognizing the difference between “decided” and “decisive” enables precise communication and demonstrates your proficiency in expressing your intentions and actions.

Whether making resolved choices or embodying determination in decision-making, understanding the nuances of “decided” and “decisive” enhances clarity and facilitates effective communication.

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