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Common Examples of organ Transplantations-Eduinput

June 9, 2022
written by Sidra Batool

What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of this world? These are the questions that are always in our minds. In order to answer these questions, we need to know what the real purpose of this world is.

The world was created to live, but unfortunately, there are so many diseases and diseases that are killing more and more people. Many people died because of cancer and many of them don’t have enough money to buy expensive medicines.

There are so many people who are in need of organ transplants and they are not getting the organs that they need. This is a terrible thing, but the worst thing is that society is not aware of these issues.

Let us talk about the top 10 common organ transplants.

Also read: What is organ transplantation? Definition, process, and stages

7 Common organ Transplantations

1: Kidney transplant

This is the most common organ transplant performed in the world. When someone gets a kidney transplant, the recipient’s kidneys are taken from the donor’s body and it is transplanted into the recipient’s body.

2: Liver transplant

This is the second most common transplant performed in the world. A liver transplant is usually performed when a person has liver cirrhosis.

3: Lung transplant

This is the fourth most common transplant performed in the world. A lung transplant is performed when someone has lung disease.

4: Heart transplant

It is the fifth most common transplant performed in the world. A heart transplant is a highly complex operation and it is performed only when there is no other way to save a person’s life.

5: Skin graft

A skin graft is a procedure in which skin tissue is transplanted from one part of the body to another. The skin graft can be used in burns, skin ulcers, and many other conditions.

6: Blood transfusion

Blood transfusions are the seventh most common transplant performed in the world. The blood is collected from one person and then it is given to the other person.

7: Bone marrow transplant

Bone marrow transplant is the eighth most common transplant performed in the world. A bone marrow transplant is performed to treat patients with leukemia, lymphoma, or any other cancer.


I hope you liked this post about “Top 7 Common Transplantations”. I know that it is not very easy for you to remember all these things but it is important that you should know these things. If you have any questions about these topics, then feel free to ask me through the comments section and I will get back to you as soon as possible.