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Common Toad

October 24, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The Common Toad, scientifically known as Bufo bufo, is a wellknown amphibian species found across various regions in Europe, including the United Kingdom.

image showing Common Toad

Common Toad

Here are some facts about the Common Toad.

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia
 Phylum: Chordata
 Class: Amphibia
 Order: Anura
 Family: Bufonidae
 Genus: Bufo
 Species: Bufo bufo
Physical Appearance Size: Common Toads are relatively large for amphibians, with adults typically ranging from 2 to 4.7 inches (5 to 12 centimeters) in length.
 Coloration: They have warty skin that can be various shades of brown, green, or gray, helping them blend into their environment.
Range and HabitatCommon Toads are widely distributed across Europe, including the United Kingdom, and can also be found in parts of Asia. They inhabit a range of habitats, from gardens and woodlands to heathlands and wetlands.
Behavior and Lifestyle Nocturnal: Common Toads are primarily nocturnal, becoming active at night.
 Terrestrial: They are grounddwelling amphibians and are often seen in gardens and other terrestrial environments.
Reproduction and Life Cycles Breeding: Common Toads typically breed in freshwater ponds and pools. Males call to attract females, and fertilization is external.
 Tadpoles: After hatching, tadpoles undergo metamorphosis, developing into miniature toadlets.
Diet and PreyCommon Toads have a diet consisting of various invertebrates, including insects, spiders, and worms.
Predators and ThreatsCommon Toads face threats from a range of predators, including birds, snakes, and mammals. Habitat loss and road mortality due to vehicle traffic can also pose risks.
Interesting Facts and Features Toxic Glands: Common Toads have specialized skin glands that produce toxic secretions as a defense mechanism against predators.
 Hibernation: During colder months, Common Toads hibernate in underground burrows or other sheltered locations.
Relationship with HumansCommon Toads are a familiar sight in many gardens and natural environments. They play a role in controlling insect populations and are generally considered beneficial to ecosystems.
Conservation Status and Life TodayCommon Toads are not currently considered endangered and are abundant in many of their habitats. However, like many amphibians, they may face localized declines due to habitat destruction and other environmental factors.
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