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Corporal vs. Corporeal-Difference between and examples

June 6, 2023
written by Areej Khan

The words “corporal” and “corporeal” may appear similar, but they have distinct meanings and are used in different contexts.

Image showing the comparison between Corporal and corporeal

It’s crucial to understand the difference between these terms to use them correctly.

In this article, we will explore the meanings of “corporal” and “corporeal,” provide examples to illustrate their usage, and highlight the contrasts between the two.

Meanings and Examples

Corporal Meaning

Adjective: Corporal relates to the human body, particularly the physical aspects or characteristics. It can also refer to a punishment that involves physical pain or discipline.

Corporal Examples

  • The corporal form of punishment has been abolished in many educational institutions.
  • The corporal features of an individual include their height, weight, and appearance.
  • The corporal demands of the job required physical strength and endurance.
  • The corporal punishment inflicted on the soldier was meant to instill discipline. e) The corporal sensations of pain and pleasure are fundamental to our human experience.

Corporeal Meaning

Adjective: Corporeal describes something that has a physical or tangible existence, relating to the material or physical world.

Corporeal Examples

  • The artist used a variety of materials to create corporeal sculptures.
  • Our corporeal existence is limited by the boundaries of time and space.
  • The study aimed to understand the corporeal manifestations of certain diseases. d) The novel delved into the exploration of both spiritual and corporeal dimensions.
  • The scientific experiments aimed to examine the corporeal effects of the new drug.

Differences between Corporal and Corporeal

MeaningRelating to the human body or physical characteristics, physical punishmentHaving a physical or tangible existence, relating to the material world
Part of SpeechAdjectiveAdjective
UsageDescribing physical aspects or characteristics, or as a form of punishmentDescribing something tangible or material

Usage in a Paragraph

In military training, corporal punishment was once prevalent as a means to enforce discipline among soldiers. However, with evolving societal norms, the use of corporal punishment has significantly diminished. Instead, the focus has shifted towards fostering discipline through alternative methods. On the other hand, philosophical discussions often delve into the nature of corporeal existence. Scholars contemplate the relationship between the corporeal and the metaphysical, exploring the interconnectedness of the physical and the intangible. Understanding our corporeal existence enables us to reflect on our place in the material world and the complex interplay between body and mind.

While “corporal” and “corporeal” may seem similar, they have distinct meanings and usage. “Corporal” pertains to the human body or physical characteristics, while “corporeal” refers to the physical or tangible existence of something. By understanding the nuances of these terms, we can effectively communicate and express our thoughts about the physical aspects of life or the material world. Accurate usage of “corporal” and “corporeal” ensures clarity and precision in our discussions and written communication, enhancing our ability to convey ideas and concepts related to the physical realm.

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