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Difference between Local Variable and Global Variable

July 7, 2023

The primary difference between local variables and global variables is that local variables are declared within a specific scope, such as inside a function or a block of code. Global variables, on the other hand, are declared outside of any function or block of code.

image showing the difference between local and global variable

In this article, we will discuss the main differences between local variables and global variables.

Local variables are only accessible within that particular scope and are not visible or usable outside of it. Local variables have a limited lifespan and are created when the scope in which they are defined is entered, and they are destroyed when the scope is exited. Each time the scope is entered, a new local variable instance is created.

Global variables have a longer lifespan than local variables. They are created when the program starts and destroyed when the program terminates. Unlike local variables, there is only one instance of a global variable throughout the program.

Local Variable vs Global Variable

Now, letโ€™s compare the differences between local variables and global variables in the following table:

Local VariablesGlobal Variables
DeclarationDeclared inside a specific scopeDeclared outside any function or block
ScopeLimited to the specific scopeAccessible from anywhere in the program
VisibilityNot visible outside the scopeVisible and usable throughout the program
LifespanCreated when the scope is entered.Destroyed when the scope is exited
Destroyed when a program terminatesDestroyed when program terminates
InstancesMultiple instances can existOnly one instance exists
Naming conflictsNo conflict outside the scopePossible conflicts if names clash


Can a global variable be accessed inside a function?

Yes, a global variable can be accessed inside a function unless a local variable with the same name is declared in that function.

What happens if I use the same name for a local and a global variable?

The local variable will take priority within the function, and the global variable will remain unchanged outside the function.

Is it better to use local or global variables?

Itโ€™s better to use local variables whenever possible because they reduce the chances of errors and make the code easier to understand.