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Difference between Valve and Sphincter

October 23, 2024
written by Almas Anwar

The main difference between valve and sphincter is their structure and function. A valve contains a flap like membranous structure while a sphincter is a ring like muscular structure.

 A valve act as one-way gate allowing blood to enter the ventricles. A valve makes sure that blood exits in one direction from the ventricle. While a sphincter contracts and relaxes to regulate the movement of body fluids. When the sphincter contracts, the interior space of tube (lumen) becomes smaller and passage is closed, while when it gets relaxed, the passage opens.

Valve Vs Sphincter image

Valve VS Sphincter

Here are the main differences between Valve and Sphincter

StructureFlap like structure (leaflets) in hollow organs
Acts like a mechanical device with moveable parts
Circular and Ring-like muscular structure
FunctionRegulates one-way flow of fluids preventing backflowContracts and relaxes to control the flow of substances
LocationFound in the heart, veins, and certain organsLocated in various parts of the digestive and excretory systems
Control-MechanismUsually passive (responds automatically to pressure changes)Active muscle contraction (to close the passage) or relaxation (to open the passage)
Examples1. Heart valves (Mitral valve, Tricuspid valve, Aortic valve)
2. Venous valves (in veins)
1. Esophageal sphincter (controls stomach passage)
2. Anal sphincter (manages feces discharge)  
3. Pyloric sphincter (between stomach and small intestine)