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20 Examples of Analog Computer

May 10, 2023

Examples of analog computers can be found in fields like engineering and aviation, where they are used for flight simulation and control systems.

Another example of analog computers is the hydraulic integrator, which was historically used to solve differential equations. Today, examples of analog computer applications persist in niche areas such as process control and scientific modeling.

In this article, we will discuss real-world examples of analog computers in action.

25 Examples of Analog Computer

Here are 20 examples of different analog computers:

1. Oscilloscope

An oscilloscope is an analog computer that is used to display the waveform of an electrical signal. It works by using a series of plates to deflect an electron beam, which then creates a visual representation of the waveform.

image showing the oscilloscope

2. Tide Predictors

Tide predictors are another example of analog computers. They use a system of gears and cams to model the movement of ocean tides. The input to the device is the current time, and the output is a prediction of the height of the tide at a particular location.

image showing the tide prewdictors

3. Lorenz Attractor

The Lorenz attractor is a mathematical model of a chaotic system that can be represented by a set of differential equations. Analog computers can be used to solve these equations and visualize the attractor using a plot. The Lorenz attractor is an example of how analog computers can be used to model complex systems.

image showing the Lorenz Attractor

4. Joukowski Airfoil

Analog computers can also be used in the design of airfoils. The Joukowski airfoil is a classic example of how analog computers can be used to solve complex equations related to fluid mechanics. It is used in the design of aircraft wings and blades for wind turbines.

5. Rendezvous Simulation

Analog computers are also used in space exploration. For instance, a rendezvous simulation is used to model the movement of spacecraft in orbit. This simulation helps astronauts to plan and execute rendezvous and docking maneuvers with other spacecraft.

6. Vehicle Simulation

Analog computers are also used to model the movement of vehicles. They can be used to simulate the behavior of cars, airplanes, and other types of vehicles. This simulation helps engineers to design better and safer vehicles.

image showing the vehicle simulation

7. Doorknob and Lock

Analog computers can also be used in security systems, such as doorknobs and locks. These systems use a set of gears and cams to lock and unlock the door. The input to the system is the position of the key, and the output is the position of the bolt.

image showing the doorknob and lock

8. Speedometer

A speedometer is another example of an analog computer used in vehicles. It uses a system of gears and a flexible cable to measure the speed of the vehicle. The input to the system is the rotation of the wheels, and the output is the speed reading on the scale.

image showing the speedometer

9. Seismometer

A seismometer is an analog computer that is used to measure earthquakes. It works by using a set of weights and levers to detect the motion caused by an earthquake.

image showing the seismometer

10. Telephone Lines

Telephone lines are analog computers that are used to transmit sound. They work by using a series of wires to transmit electrical signals that represent sound.

image showing the telephone line

11. Astrolabe

An astrolabe is an analog computer that is used to determine the position of celestial objects. It works by using a series of gears and levers to simulate the motion of celestial objects.

image showing the astrolabe

12. Hybrid Controller

A hybrid controller is another example of an analog computer. It is a combination of digital and analog circuits that work together to provide control of a system. These controllers are used in various applications, including robotics, automation, and manufacturing.

image showing the hybrid controller

The hybrid controller uses analog signals to control the systemโ€™s output, while digital signals are used for programming and control. This approach provides a level of precision that is difficult to achieve with purely analog or digital systems.

13. Simulation of a Spaceship

Simulating the flight of a spaceship is another application of analog computing. Analog computers can simulate complex systems, such as a spaceship, with a high degree of accuracy. These simulations are used to test various designs and configurations, allowing engineers to refine the design before the actual flight.

image showing the spaceship

14. Mass-Spring-Damper System

The mass-spring-damper system is a classic example of an analog system. It is used to model a wide range of physical systems, including mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic systems. In this system, a mass is connected to a spring and a damper, and the resulting motion is described by a second-order differential equation.

image showing the mass spring damper system

15. Simulation of Car-Suspension System

Analog computers are also used to simulate car suspension systems. This allows engineers to test and refine suspension designs in a virtual environment, reducing the need for expensive physical prototypes.

16. Simulation of a Moon-Landing

Analog computers were used extensively in the Apollo moon landing program. These computers were used to simulate the trajectory of the spacecraft, as well as to control the engines and other systems during the mission.

image showing the simulation of moon landing

17. Squash Simulation

Analog computers have also been used to simulate the game of squash. This allows players to practice their skills and improve their game in a virtual environment.

18. Longitudinal Aircraft Simulation

Longitudinal aircraft simulation is another application of analog computing. This involves simulating the behavior of an aircraft in flight, particularly its longitudinal motion. Analog computers can be used to model the aircraftโ€™s aerodynamics, control systems, and other factors, providing a high level of accuracy in the simulation.

19. Television

Analog computers were used in the early days of television to generate and process the video signal. While digital systems have largely replaced analog systems in television, analog computers played a crucial role in the development of the technology.

image showing the analog television

20. Analog Sound Processor

Analog sound processors are used in audio equipment to modify the sound signal. These processors use analog circuits to apply various effects, such as reverb, delay, and compression. While digital signal processing has largely replaced analog processing in audio equipment, some audiophiles still prefer the sound of analog processors.

image showing the analog sound processor

21. Electric Integrators

Electric integrators are another example of analog computers. These devices integrate an input signal over time, providing a measure of the area under the signal curve. Electric integrators are used in a variety of applications, including motor control, filter design, and circuit analysis.

22. Librascape and Balancing Computer

The Librascape and Balancing Computer is a complex analog computer used to balance and control large machinery, such as turbines and generators. These systems use analog circuits to sense and control the motion of the machinery, ensuring that it operates smoothly and efficiently.

image showing the Libras cape and balancing computer

23. Kerisson Predictor

The Kerisson Predictor is an analog computer used in the field of artillery to predict the trajectory of a shell. It takes into account factors such as the initial velocity of the shell, the angle of elevation, and the effects of wind resistance. The computer consists of a series of interconnected mechanical and electrical components that simulate the motion of the shell.

24. Mechanical calculator

A mechanical calculator is an analog device that uses gears, levers, and other mechanical components to perform calculations. It was widely used in the past before the advent of electronic calculators.

image showing the mechanical calculator

25. Slide rule

A handheld device used for performing mathematical calculations.


What is an analog computer?

It is a computer that works with continuous data like voltage or movement.

What are examples of analog computers?

Slide rule
Flight simulator
Differential analyzer

How is it different from a digital computer?

Analog computers work with continuous data, while digital computers work with 0s and 1s.