Home | English | Future Tense | Future Indefinite, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous

Future Tense | Future Indefinite, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous

June 29, 2022

A future tense is a verb form that we use to talk about things that do not happen yet. It tells us that an action or state will happen in the future.

There are four states of Future tense:

Future Indefinite Tense

The ‘Future Indefinite Tense’ is used to describe a single act that is still to take place


     S +will + 1st form of verb + O

To make Affirmative of the Future Indefinite Tense helping verb (will) will be placed after the subject. Will is used with all subjects (he, she, it, I, we, You, They, and all singular or plural nouns).

In this tense, the first form of the verb will be used.


• The principal will deliver the speech.

• They will go to market.

• The lion will roar in the forest.


  S + will + not + 1st form of verb + O 

To make the negative of this tense ‘not’ will be placed after the helping verb.


• They will not ask the question.

• We will not play cricket.


  Will + S + 1st form of verb + O ?

To make interrogative of this tense helping verb will be placed at the start of the sentence and lastly, the question mark(?) added.


• Will the postman distribute the letters?

• Will he run?

• Will they play cricket?

    Interrogative and Negative:

  will + S + not + 1stform of verb + O?

To make interrogative + negative sentences helping (will) verb is used before the subject. Whereas ‘not’ is used after the subject and lastly the question mark (?) will be placed.


• Will you not go for a walk?

• Will she not write the book?

• Will he not play hockey?

Future Continuous Tense

This tense is used to describe an action that is going on at some point in the future time. In this tense fourth form of the verb (1st form of verb + ing) will be used with the helping verb (will be).


 He will be going to market.

She will be writing a letter.

They will be playing cricket.


   S +will be + 1st form of verb+ ing + O

SubjectHelping VerbMain VerbObject
He/ she/ it  Will be  1st  form of verb + ing  Object
I/ We/ they/you  Will be  1st  form of verb + ing  Object


• He will be writing a letter.

• The sun will be shining in the morning.

• The dogs will be barking at the beggars.


  S + will + not + be + 1st form of verb + ing + O 

• To make a negative sentence, ‘not’ will be used after the helping verb (will be).


• People will not be raising slogans.

• He will not be purchasing fruit.

• They will not be going to market.


    Will + S + be + 1st form of verb + ing + O ?

To make an Interrogative of this tense helping verb (will) will be placed at the start of the sentence before the subject after that ‘be’ will be placed. Lastly, the question mark (?) was added.


Will they be coming here?

Will she be reading the book?

Will I be writing a letter?

  Interrogative and Negative:

  will + S + not+ be + 1stform of verb + ing + O ?

To make Interrogative + Negative sentences helping verb (will) will be placed before the subject after that ‘not’ is placed and ‘be’ will be placed after not. Lastly, the question mark (?) will be placed.


Will they not be going to Lahore?

 Will she not be learning his lesson?

Future Perfect Tense

In the Future Perfect tense helping verb(Will have) will be used after the subject after that 3rd form of the verb will be used.


   S +will have + 3rd form of verb + O

SubjectHelping VerbMain VerbObject
He/ she/ it  Will have  3rd form of the verb  O
I/ We/ they/you  Will have  3rd form of the verb  O


• He will have finished his homework.

• They will have built the house.

• The boys will have played cricket.


  S + will + not + have + 3rd form of verb + O 

To make negative sentences ‘not’ will be placed after the helping verb (will have).


• The child will not drink the milk.

• They will not have gone home.

• She will not have played hockey.


    Will + S + have + 3rd form of verb + O ?

To make interrogative sentences helping verb (will) will be placed before the subject after that have is placed. Then the 3rd form of the verb will be used.


• Will the train have arrived?

• Will the school have closed?

• Will she have gone to school?

• Will they have eaten the food?

    Interrogative and Negative

    will + S + not+ have + 3rd form of verb + O?


  •  Will you have not taken the exam?
  • Will she not have done her work?
  • Will he not have drunk the water?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

In ‘Future Perfect Continuous Tense’ Helping Verb ‘will have been’ will be used after helping subject after that (1st form of verb + ing) is placed. And at the end of the sentence ‘since and for’ will be used with time. “Since” is used with ‘point of time’ and “for” is used with ‘period of time’. 


    S +will have been + 1st form of verb+ ing + O + since / for

SubjectHelping VerbMain VerbObjectTime
He/ she/ it  Will have been  1stform of verb + ing  ObjectSince/ for  
I/ We/ they/you  Will have been  1stform of verb + ing  ObjectSince/ for  


• He will have been playing for three hours.

• He will have been reading the newspaper since morning.


    S + will + not + have been + 1st form of verb + ing + O + since /for

‘not’ will be placed after helping verb (will)after that have been will be added.


• He will not have been living there for a month.

• They will not have been riding a horse for two days.


  Will + S + Have been + 1st form of verb + ing + O + since / for?


• Will she have been singing for an hour?

• Will they have been playing football for five hours?

  Interrogative and Negative:

    Will + S + not+ Have been + 1stform of verb + ing + O +since / for


• Will we not have been learning English for one month?

• Will they not have been going to Murree since morning?

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