Reflex Angle-Real-life Example of Reflex Angle
When two rays or line segments meet at a common endpoint, we call that a vertex, and the angle between them is measured in degrees. A full rotation is 360 degrees. The word “angle” comes from the Latin word “angelus,” which means “corner.” There are different types of angles that can be formed on a plane surface, including acute angle, obtuse angle, right angle, reflex, and straight.
In this article, we’re focusing on one particular type of angle: the Reflex Angle. We’ll discuss its definition and examples in detail so you can get a better understanding of what it is and how it works.
What is a Reflex Angle?
A reflex angle is any angle that measures greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees. A reflex angle and the angle that lies on the other side of it form a complete angle of 360°. The following figure provides an example of what a reflex angle looks like.
181°, 190°, 200°, 210°, 220°, 230°, 240°, 250°, 260°, 270°, 280°, 290°, 300°, 310°, 320°, 330°, 340°, 350°, and 359° are all reflex angles according to the definition of a reflex angle. A reflex angle is any degree that lies between a straight angle (180 degrees) and a full rotation (360 degrees).
Reflex Angle Triangle
A reflex angle is an angle that is greater than 180 degrees, and the sum of all of the internal angles in a triangle is equal to 180 degrees. This means that it is not possible to draw a reflex angle triangle.
Reflex Angle Diagram
In the figure below, the angle is a reflex angle that lies between 180° and 360°.
Real-life Example of Reflex Angle
There are many reflex angles that we can observe in our daily lives. Here are a few examples:
- When we fold our arms, the angle created at the elbow is a reflex angle.
- The hands of a clock form a reflex angle at 7’O clock, 8’O clock, and so on when we measure in the clockwise direction.
- When you open a book and the pages form a reflex angle.
How to Measure a Reflex Angle
There are two ways to measure a reflex angle:
By measuring the interior angle and subtracting it from 360 degrees.
By using a protractor to measure the reflex angles itself.
Frequently Asked Questions-FAQs
What is a reflex angle?
A reflex angle is an angle that measures between 180 and 360 degrees.
What are examples of reflex angles?
Examples of reflex angles are 190 degrees, 220 degrees, 270 degrees, 320 degrees
Is 180 degrees a reflex angle?
180 degrees is not a reflex angle it is a straight angle
Triangle has a Reflex Angle?
No, a triangle cannot have a reflex angle.
What does a Reflex Angle Look Like?
A reflex angle is an angle that is greater than a semicircle but less than a full circle.
List five other situations where reflex angles may be seen.
Here are 5 situations where reflex angles may be seen:
Hands on a steering wheel
Scissors cutting paper
Protractor measuring an angle
Folding paper in half
Robot arm movement