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What Does Range Mean in Math?

August 2, 2022
written by Azhar Ejaz

In math, the range is a statistic measurement. The range of a set of data is defined as the difference between the largest and the smallest value in the set.

What is a range?

 The range of a set of data is defined as the difference between the maximum and the minimum value in the set.

Range formula:

Range =Maximum value –Minimum value

For example:

Find the range for the following observation.

{6, 4, 10, 8}

Find the maximum and minimum value given data.

Maximum value=10

Minimum value=6

By using rang formula:

Range =Maximum value –Minimum value

Put the value

Range =10-6


The range is one of four simple tools of statistics

  • Mean
  • Median  
  • Mode
  • Range

The first three statistical tools are mean, median mode,

Are measurement of central tendency, or how similar the numbers are

The only range is a measure of dispersion, highlighting how distinct the numbers are, and calculating the range there is a simple formula.

Range =Maximum value –Minimum value

How to calculate the Range?

To find the range in a set of numbers, you must gather your data, arrange the data from the minimum value to the maximum value, then subtract the minimum value from the maximum value. You can find a range of negative numbers and positive number numbers.

Steps for how to find a range:

Gather your data, so all the numbers to be studied.

Arrange the data set in order from minimum to maximum

Write a subtraction sentence to subtract the minimum (or smallest) value from the maximum (or largest) value.

For example: if you read science, and wrote down how many pages you read each day, you could take the range:


 Find the range:

Step1: Arrange the number of pages in order from minimum to the maximum value

{3, 6, 8, 9, 15}

Step 2: Find the maximum and minimum values of the given data.

Maximum value =15

Minimum value=3

Step 3: subtract the minimum value from the maximum value

Range =maximum value –minimum value

Range= 15-3


The range of the given data set is 12 pages.

Finding the range between two numbers?

Calculating the range between two numbers is the same as calculating the range of a set of data.

Here you have a set of numbers:

{6,4, 10,8,12}

Find the range

Maximum value=12

Minimum value=4

By using the formula:

R=maximum value –minimum value



Now, we calculate the range only the two numbers 12 and 4


Largest value=12

Smallest value=4

Range =largest value –smallest value



Calculating the range of a set of data is the same as calculating the range between two numbers.

The range is used in Real Life?

The range is used in real life to make mathematical countable. The range can be used to find the amount of time that has passed, like when finding your age.

The current year is

2020, and you were born in 2004

. How old are you?

Using range formula

R=maximum value-minimum value



16 years have passed.