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What Does Reciprocal Mean in math?

July 30, 2022
written by Azhar Ejaz

Reciprocal mean in math is simply defined as the inverse of a value or a number. if m is a natural number then the reciprocal of m is equal to 1/m. for example, the reciprocal of 8 is 1 divided by 8 reciprocal of 8 is 1/8.

The word reciprocal came from the Latin word

‘Reciprocus’meaning ‘’returning .in this article learn the definition of reciprocal and .how to find the reciprocal of numbers.

What is reciprocal?

Reciprocal mean in math is simply defined as the inverse of a value or a number.if m is a natural number then the reciprocal of m is equal to 1/m. for example, the reciprocal of 8 is 1 divided by 8 reciprocal of 8 is 1/8.

The word reciprocal came from the Latin word

‘Reciprocus’meaning ‘’returning.


  • The reciprocal of 4 and 5 are 1/4 and 1/5
  • The reciprocal of 1/6 and 2 are 6 and 1/2

Not for zero

The reciprocal condition can not apply on zero, it will return an indefinite value.


Therefore, all real numbers have a reciprocal but not for zero (0)

 Reciprocal of a number?

 The reciprocal of a number is defined as divided by the one by the given number


Find the reciprocal of 7


We will use




Reciprocal of a negative number?

Reciprocal can be a negative number (-x) the inverse of the given number with a negative sign along with that (-1/x)

For example, the reciprocal of -5x2 is writing 1/-5x2

The following step is to find the reciprocal of a negative number.

Step1: For any given negative number write the form of an improper fraction by writing the number 1 in the denominator.

Step2: interchange the numerator and denominator

Step3: add a negative sign (-) to the resultant number.

Example: find the reciprocal of a negative number.

Considered a negative number -18

Step 1: convert the number 18 into the improper fraction               (18/1)

Step2: interchange numerator and denominator values we get


Step 3: add a negative sign to the resultant number

We get


Therefore, the reciprocal of negative number -18 is -1/18

Reciprocal of a mixed fraction?

In order to find the same for a mixed fraction. Convert into improper fractions.

For example: find the reciprocal of a mixed fraction

Considered a mixed fraction, 4(1/2).

Step1: convert a mixed fraction into an improper fraction.


Step 2: interchange nominator and denominator values.

We get,


Therefore, the reciprocal of mixed fraction 4(1/2) is 2/9.

Reciprocal of decimal?

The reciprocal of a decimal is the same defined for the reciprocal of a number.

For example: Find the reciprocal of a decimal

Considered, decimal fraction0.75


0.75 is written as3/4

Reciprocal of 3/4 is 4/3

Finding unity?

Reciprocal of number multiply by itself number is equal to unity (1).let see some example

  • 2X1/2=1
  • 15×1/15=1
  • 23×1/23=1

Rules for reciprocal?

Two important rules for reciprocal are.

  • Any number y the reciprocal will be 1/y

Are also can be written as x-1

  • For any fraction y/x, the reciprocal will be x/y.
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