What is a Fraction Mean in Math?-Representing a Fraction
Fractions denote the parts of a whole or collection of objects. A fraction has two parts nominator and denominators. Different types of fractions can be defined.
What is a Fraction?
Fractions indicate the parts of a whole or collection of objects. A fraction has two parts. The below a number of the line is called the denominator. The top number of the line is called the numerator. It shows the total number of equal parts the whole is divided into or the total number of the same things in a collection.
Fraction of collection of objects
There are a total of 6 children.
2 out of 6 are girls. So, the fraction of girls is two-six (2/6).
4out of 6 are boys. So, the fraction of boys is four-six
( 4/6 ).
Representing a fraction
A fraction can be represented in three methods:
- Fractional representation
- Decimal representation
- Percentage representation
Fractional representation
The most common form of representing a fraction is in the form x/y. Here, x is called the numerator and y is called the denominator. Both the denominator and numerator are separated by a line.
For example:
We can understand the fraction 2/5 as follows.
Decimal representation
The fraction is denoted as a decimal number.
For example:
The fraction 2/5 can be shown as a decimal by dividing the nominator 2 by the denominator
Thus, in decimal representation, 2/5 is written as 0.4.
Percentage representation
In this way, a fraction is multiplied by 100 to convert it into a percentage.
For example:
if we want to represent as a percentage, we should multiply 3/4by 100.
3/4 x 100 = 0.75 x 100 = 75. Thus, we can represent
as 75%.
Fraction on a number line:
Fractions can be denoted on a number line, as shown below.
What is the Fraction of a whole
When the whole is divided into equal pieces, the number of pieces we take makes up a fraction.