What is Noise in Physics?-Definition, Measurement, And Effects
Noise in physics is the disturbance in the air that occurs when the sound waves are vibrating.
What is noise in physics?
Noise can be defined as unwanted sounds that are created by mechanical devices. It can be defined as a type of sound that can be unpleasant, unwanted, annoying or too loud for humans to hear.
Noise Measurement
The sound waves are measured based on their frequencies and amplitudes. Amplitude is the measure of how forcefully the wave is. The energy in a sound wave is measured in decibels, the measure of loudness or intensity of a sound, and this is the measurement that describes the amplitude of a sound wave. The Decibels are expressed in a logarithmic scale. The pitch is a measure of the sound’s frequencies and is measured in hertz.
Environmental noise
Environmental noise is the amount of noise that is present in the environment. The sources of environmental noise include surface motor vehicles, aircraft, trains, and industrial sources, exposing millions of people to noise pollution that can cause hearing loss, cardiovascular disease, and many other health consequences.
Noise Regulation
Certain geographic areas or specific occupations may be at a higher risk of being exposed to constantly high levels of noise; regulation may prevent negative health outcomes. Statutes relating to sound transmission established by national, state or provincial levels of government are included in noise regulation.
Environmental noise is regulated by laws and standards which set maximum recommended levels of noise for specific land uses, such as residential areas, areas of outstanding natural beauty, or schools. A-weighting is the most common method of specifying measurement used in these standards.
Effects of Noise on Health
There are several negative health outcomes associated with exposure to noise. Depending on duration and level of exposure, noise can cause or increase the likelihood of hearing loss, high blood pressure, ischemic heart disease, sleep disturbances, injuries, and even decreased school performance.
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