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Difference Between Ideal and Non Ideal Solution

October 23, 2023
written by Adeel Abbas

The main difference between ideal and non-ideal solutions is that the ideal solution follows the raoult’s law while the non-ideal solution does not follow the raoult’s law.

What are Ideal Solutions?

An ideal solution is a homogeneous mixture of substances that has physical properties linearly related to the properties of the pure components. In other words, the properties of the solution can be predicted from the properties of the individual components, based on their mole fractions in the solution.

Ideal solutions are rare, but they are useful for modeling the behavior of real solutions. They are also used in theoretical chemistry to develop equations and theories to describe the behavior of solutions.

What are non-ideal solutions?

Non-ideal solutions are common in the real world. They are often found in industrial and biological systems. For example, the blood plasma in our bodies is a non-ideal solution of water, salts, proteins, and other substances.

The behavior of non-ideal solutions can be complex and difficult to predict. However, there are a number of models and equations that can be used to describe their behavior. These models and equations are based on the thermodynamics of solutions and the interactions between the solute and solvent molecules.

Ideal Solution vs. Non-Ideal Solution

CharacteristicIdeal SolutionNon-Ideal Solution
Behavior of ComponentsInteractions are identical, and solute-solvent, solute-solute, and solvent-solvent interactions are the same.Interactions are not identical, and solute-solvent, solute-solute, and solvent-solvent interactions can differ significantly.
Raoult’s LawVapor pressures of components strictly follow Raoult’s Law, with no deviations.Vapor pressures of components may deviate from Raoult’s Law, leading to positive or negative deviations.
Composition-Property RelationshipProperties like boiling point and freezing point exhibit a linear relationship with composition.Properties often show nonlinear relationships with composition, making predictions more complex.
Enthalpy of MixingThe enthalpy of mixing is zero, indicating no heat absorption or release.Mixing can result in heat absorption (endothermic) or heat release (exothermic) due to differences in intermolecular forces.
Real-World ExamplesRarely found in nature, used as a theoretical concept.Common in real-world mixtures and encountered in various fields of science and technology.
Factors Affecting BehaviorBehavior mainly influenced by factors like temperature, pressure, and chemical nature of components.Behavior influenced by additional factors, including size, structure, concentration, dissimilarity in polarity, and azeotropes.
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