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How integumentary syetem works with other systems?

October 28, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The integumentary system consists of skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands. The integumentary system works closely with nearly every other system in the body to regulate temperature, excrete waste, and protect the body from threats.

image showing How integumentary syetem works with other systems

Coordination of integumentry system with other systems

Here’s how the integumentary system interacts with other body systems.

1.   Skeletal System

The integumentary system works closely with the skeletal system to protect bones and facilitate movement. The skin’s sensory receptors detect pressure, pain, and temperature, and then send signals to the brain to initiate movement or withdrawal from harmful stimuli.

The skin and subcutaneous tissue also adhere closely to underlying bones and muscles, allowing effective transfer of force during movement.

2.      Muscular System

The muscular system relies on the skin and subcutaneous tissue to anchor muscles in place. As muscles contract, the skin and connective tissue transmit the forces generated through the body.

The integumentary system also works with the muscular system by providing vitamin D, which is essential for calcium absorption and muscle function.

3.      Circulatory System

The integumentary system supports the circulatory system in several ways. Blood vessels in the dermis exchange heat, gases, nutrients, and waste with blood.

Sensory receptors in the skin monitor blood pressure and temperature and send signals to the brain to adjust blood flow. The skin also synthesizes vitamin D, enabling calcium absorption necessary for blood clotting.

4.      Lymphatic System

Lymphatic capillaries derived from the integumentary system allow interstitial fluid to drain into lymph nodes, filtering antigens and returning fluids to the circulatory system.

The skin is also involved in initiating immune responses by alerting lymphocytes about pathogens detected on the skin’s surface.

5.      Respiratory System

The integumentary system supports the respiratory system by synthesizing vitamin D, which enables normal lung development and function.

The skin also regulates body temperature and water loss. It also prevent conditions like hyperthermia that could strain the respiratory system.

6.      Excretory System

The integumentary system supports the excretory system by excreting small amounts of metabolic waste in sweat. Skin gland secretions also influence pH balance, regulating waste excretion.

The integumentary system controls water loss through the skin. It maintains adequate fluid volumes for waste filtration and excretion.

7.      Digestive System

The skin produces vitamin D, enabling normal absorption of calcium and phosphorous from food in the digestive tract.

The integumentary system also provides sensory input about temperature, pressure, and pain, regulating digestion and elimination.

8.      Nervous System

The skin contains a network of sensory nerves and receptors that relay external stimuli about temperature, pressure, vibration, and pain to the central nervous system.

This provides critical sensory input that enables response to potential threats or benefits in the environment.

9.      Endocrine System

The integumentary system works closely with the endocrine system by producing vitamin D. It enables normal secretion and function of growth hormones, thyroid hormones, and reproductive system hormones.

The skin’s sebaceous glands are also regulated by androgens produced by endocrine glands.

10. Immune system

 The skin is the first line of defense against infection. It prevent pathogens from entering the body. The skin also contains immune cells that can help to fight infection.

11. Reproductive system 

The skin produces sweat, which contains pheromones that can attract mates or signal danger. The skin also contains sensory receptors that detect touch and pressure, which are important for sexual function.