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Addition of Two Vectors Mean in Math

August 17, 2022
written by Azhar Ejaz

The sum of two or more vectors is called the resultant.

The addition of two vectors is explained by the following two laws: triangle law and parallelogram law of addition.

 Addition of two vectors

The addition of two vectors is explained by the following two laws:

  • Triangle law Of addition
  • Parallelogram law of addition

Triangle law of Addition

If two vectors u and v are represented by the two sides AB and BC of a triangle such that the terminal point of u coincides with the initial point of v, then the third side AC of the triangle gives vector

 Sum u +v that is

showing the feature image  of triange law of addation
  • Parallelogram law of addition

If two vectors uand v are represented by two adjacent sides AB and AC of a parallelogram as shown in the figure, then diagonal AD give the sum or resultant of AB and AC.

That is

feature image showParallelogram law of addition
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