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Difference between desktop computer and laptop

November 12, 2022

The main difference between desktop computer and laptop is, a desktop computer is designed for heavy-duty tasks whereas laptops are typically designed for quick information processing and browsing the web. Laptops tend to be lighter than desktops, but their smaller size means that they donโ€™t have room for a big hard drive or lots of RAM memory.

Desktop computer

Desktop computers are becoming obsolete because smartphones are now capable of performing almost every task that a PC was designed for. Desktop computers have several units such as the monitor, CPU, keyboard, and mouse, which are connected to each other and work like a single unit, which makes it easier to use.

image showing the desktop computer


A laptop computer is a portable device that has a screen and a keyboard. Laptops are usually powered by batteries or rechargeable power packs. They are also known as notebook computers and notebooks.

image showing the laptops

Laptop computers are very useful devices. They allow us to access information, communicate, and get things done anywhere at any time. The problem is that they are expensive. If you want to save some cash, you should consider buying a refurbished laptop instead of purchasing a new model.

Desktop computer vs Laptop

The differences between desktop computers and laptops are given below:

Desktop ComputerLaptop
They perform heavy tasks.They perform simple tasks.
Desktop computers are big in sizeLaptops are small in size.
They are fixed in place.They are portable.
They have many components which are attached to perform tasks.Laptops have all components inside them.
They have a large number of ports.They have less number of ports.
A desktop computer has less cost as compared to a laptop.They are expensive compared to a desktop computers.
Processors of desktop computers are more powerful.Processors of laptops are less powerful as compared to desktops.
Maintenance of desktop computers is easy.Maintenance of laptops is difficult because of the inside components.
They are used in homes and offices.They are used everywhere we want to use them.
Their processing speed is higher than laptops.Their processing speed is low than desktop computers.

Related FAQs

What is the difference between a laptop and a desktop?

The main difference between a laptop and a desktop computer is, all the components of a desktop computer are attached externally and all components of a laptop are connected inside the laptop. Laptops are portable while desktop computers are placed in a fixed place.

Which is better laptop or a desktop?

Laptops are used without power because they store battery which is used for some hours. They are portable so where we need to do work we can use a laptop there. But the desktop computer is used for heavy tasks that a laptop cannot perform.

What are the disadvantages of a laptop?

The laptop has some disadvantages:
It is difficult to repair.
It cannot perform heavy tasks like a desktop computer.
They are expensive.

Why do people prefer desktops?

Because their processing speed is higher and they perform complex tasks. They are also better for playing games.