Home | English | 105 Examples of Adjectives – Their Use in Phrases & Sentences

105 Examples of Adjectives – Their Use in Phrases & Sentences

November 8, 2023
written by Areej Khan

An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. Adjectives can be used to provide more information about the noun or pronoun they are modifying, such as its size, color, shape, or origin. They can also express an opinion or judgment about the noun or pronoun.

image showing Example of Adjective

Examples of Adjectives

Here are Examples of Adjectives and their usage:


 Beautiful is an adjective used to describe something that is aesthetically pleasing or lovely.

Usage in Phrase

  1. A beautiful sunset.
  2. A beautiful melody.
  3. A beautiful poem.

Usage in Sentence

  1. The view from the mountaintop was breathtakingly beautiful.
  2. The singer’s beautiful melody touched the hearts of the audience.
  3. She wrote a beautiful poem that resonated with many.


 Delicious is an adjective used to describe something that has a pleasing taste or flavor.

Usage in Phrase

  1. A delicious meal.
  2. A delicious dessert.
  3. A delicious cup of coffee.

Usage in Sentence

  1. The chef prepared a delicious meal that left everyone wanting more.
  2. The chocolate cake was so delicious that it melted in my mouth.
  3. The aroma of the freshly brewed coffee was as enticing as its delicious taste.


 Intelligent is an adjective used to describe someone or something with a high level of mental capability and problem-solving skills.

Usage in Phrase

  1. An intelligent student.
  2. An intelligent athlete.
  3. An intelligent conversation.

Usage in Sentence

  1. The intelligent student consistently scored the highest in the class.
  2. The athlete’s intelligent approach to the game made them a valuable team member.
  3. They had an intelligent conversation about complex scientific theories.
image showing Examples of Adjectives


 Bright is an adjective used to describe something that emits a strong light or has a high degree of intelligence.

Usage in Phrase

  1. A bright morning.
  2. A bright future.
  3. A bright smile.

Usage in Sentence

  1. The sun rose on a bright morning, illuminating the world with warmth.
  2. With hard work and dedication, he believed in a bright future ahead.
  3. Her bright smile lit up the room, spreading happiness to all.


 Playful is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is full of playfulness and a sense of fun.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A playful puppy.
  2. A playful kitten.
  3. A playful breeze.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The playful puppy chased its tail in circles, bringing laughter to the family.
  2. The playful kitten pounced on a ball of yarn, showing its natural curiosity.
  3. On a sunny day, a playful breeze rustled the leaves and made the day enjoyable.


 Energetic is an adjective used to describe someone or something full of energy or enthusiasm.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An energetic child.
  2. An energetic runner.
  3. An energetic performance.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The energetic child ran around the playground with boundless enthusiasm.
  2. The energetic runner set a new personal record in the race.
  3. The dancers put on an energetic performance that left the audience mesmerized.


 Peaceful is an adjective used to describe a state of calm and tranquility.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A peaceful beach.
  2. A peaceful forest.
  3. A peaceful melody.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The sound of the waves at the peaceful beach was soothing to the soul.
  2. Walking through the peaceful forest, one could hear the rustling leaves and chirping birds.
  3. The peaceful melody played on the piano brought a sense of serenity to the room.


 Enthusiastic is an adjective used to describe someone or something full of excitement and eager interest.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An enthusiastic supporter.
  2. An enthusiastic student.
  3. An enthusiastic artist.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The enthusiastic supporter cheered loudly for their favorite team.
  2. The enthusiastic student asked thought-provoking questions during the lecture.
  3. The artist’s enthusiastic approach to their work was contagious and inspiring.


 Spacious is an adjective used to describe something that is roomy and offers ample space.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A spacious living room.
  2. A spacious kitchen.
  3. A spacious backyard.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The spacious living room was perfect for hosting gatherings and events.
  2. The kitchen had a spacious design, making it easy to prepare meals for the family.
  3. The backyard was spacious and ideal for outdoor activities and relaxation.


 Adorable is an adjective used to describe something or someone extremely charming and cute.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An adorable baby.
  2. An adorable puppy.
  3. An adorable kitten.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The adorable baby’s giggles melted the hearts of everyone in the room.
  2. The puppy’s big, round eyes and wagging tail made it undeniably adorable.
  3. The adorable kitten played with a ball of yarn, creating a charming scene.


 Mysterious is an adjective used to describe something that is enigmatic, puzzling, or difficult to understand.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A mysterious stranger.
  2. A mysterious forest.
  3. A mysterious book.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The mysterious stranger appeared out of nowhere, leaving everyone curious about their identity.
  2. The dense, mysterious forest had an aura of mystique and wonder.
  3. The mysterious book contained ancient symbols and cryptic messages that intrigued the reader.


 Courageous is an adjective used to describe someone who demonstrates bravery and determination in the face of danger or adversity.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A courageous firefighter.
  2. A courageous soldier.
  3. A courageous heart.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The courageous firefighter risked their life to save people from a burning building.
  2. The courageous soldier faced enemy fire with unwavering resolve.
  3. She displayed a courageous heart when she stood up for what she believed in, despite opposition.


 Exciting is an adjective used to describe something that arouses interest, enthusiasm, or exhilaration.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An exciting adventure.
  2. An exciting movie.
  3. An exciting new job.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The exciting adventure took them to exotic places and thrilling experiences.
  2. The movie’s exciting plot kept the audience on the edge of their seats.
  3. Starting a new job in a foreign country was an exciting opportunity for career growth.


 Cozy is an adjective used to describe something that provides comfort and a warm, snug feeling.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A cozy cabin.
  2. A cozy bed.
  3. A cozy sweater.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The cozy cabin in the woods was the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.
  2. After a long day, climbing into a cozy bed was a comforting and relaxing experience.
  3. She wore a cozy sweater to keep warm on a chilly winter’s day.


 Reliable is an adjective used to describe something or someone that can be trusted and counted on.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A reliable car.
  2. A reliable friend.
  3. A reliable source of information.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The reliable car never let me down and always started on the first try.
  2. A reliable friend is always there to offer support and guidance in times of need.
  3. In the age of the internet, it’s essential to have a reliable source of information for accurate news.


 Sincere is an adjective used to describe something or someone who is genuine, honest, and without pretense.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A sincere apology.
  2. A sincere compliment.
  3. A sincere thank you.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. Her sincere apology conveyed genuine regret for her actions.
  2. A sincere compliment can brighten someone’s day and boost their confidence.
  3. He offered a sincere thank you to express his genuine appreciation for the help he received.


 Athletic is an adjective used to describe someone with physical prowess and agility.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An athletic runner.
  2. An athletic swimmer.
  3. An athletic build.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The athletic runner sprinted to the finish line, leaving competitors in awe of their speed.
  2. The swimmer’s athletic prowess allowed them to break records in the pool.
  3. He had an athletic build with well-defined muscles due to years of training.


 Creative is an adjective used to describe someone or something that exhibits imaginative and inventive qualities.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A creative artist.
  2. A creative writer.
  3. A creative thinker.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The creative artist’s paintings were admired for their unique style and vision.
  2. A creative writer can transport readers to new worlds with their words.
  3. He was a creative thinker, always coming up with innovative solutions to problems.


 Funny is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is humorous and causes laughter.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A funny comedian.
  2. A funny story.
  3. A funny sense of humor.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The funny comedian had the audience in stitches with their jokes and witty humor.
  2. She shared a funny story that had everyone laughing uncontrollably.
  3. His funny sense of humor made even the dullest moments enjoyable.


 Brave is an adjective used to describe someone who faces fear or danger with courage and determination.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A brave soldier.
  2. A brave police officer.
  3. A brave heart.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The brave soldier defended their country in the face of adversity.
  2. A brave police officer risked their life to protect the community.
  3. She had a brave heart, always standing up for what was right, even in challenging times.


 Helpful is an adjective used to describe something or someone who provides assistance and support.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A helpful friend.
  2. A helpful neighbor.
  3. A helpful stranger.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A helpful friend is willing to lend a hand in times of need.
  2. The helpful neighbor offered to watch their house while they were away.
  3. The helpful stranger provided directions when they were lost in an unfamiliar city.


 Kind is an adjective used to describe someone who is considerate, caring, and compassionate.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A kind person.
  2. A kind heart.
  3. A kind gesture.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A kind person goes out of their way to help others and spread positivity.
  2. She had a kind heart that radiated warmth and love to those around her.
  3. The kind gesture of offering a seat to the elderly woman on the bus was greatly appreciated.


 Adventurous is an adjective used to describe someone or something characterized by a spirit of exploration and a willingness to take risks.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An adventurous spirit.
  2. An adventurous hike.
  3. An adventurous book.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The adventurous spirit of the explorers led them to unknown lands and discoveries.
  2. The adventurous hike took them through challenging terrain and breathtaking vistas.
  3. The adventurous book transported readers to distant worlds and thrilling escapades.


 Affectionate is an adjective used to describe someone or something that shows warmth, fondness, and love.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An affectionate cat.
  2. An affectionate child.
  3. An affectionate gesture.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The affectionate cat purred contentedly in its owner’s lap, seeking attention and affection.
  2. The affectionate child hugged their parents tightly, expressing their love and attachment.
  3. An affectionate gesture, such as holding hands, can speak volumes about one’s feelings.

25. Ambitious

 Ambitious is an adjective used to describe someone with a strong desire for achievement, success, and aspiration.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An ambitious student.
  2. An ambitious athlete.
  3. An ambitious career.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The ambitious student was determined to excel academically and pursue a fulfilling career.
  2. The ambitious athlete trained rigorously to compete at the highest level in their sport.
  3. She had an ambitious career plan, aiming for leadership positions in her industry.

 26. Amusing

 Amusing is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is entertaining and provides laughter.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An amusing comedian.
  2. An amusing story.
  3. An amusing anecdote.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The amusing comedian had the audience in stitches with their humorous jokes and anecdotes.
  2. He shared an amusing story from his recent trip that had everyone laughing.
  3. The amusing anecdote he told at the party lightened the mood and brought smiles to everyone’s faces.

27. Artistic

 Artistic is an adjective used to describe someone or something that displays creativity and skill in the arts.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An artistic painting.
  2. An artistic photograph.
  3. An artistic performance.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The artistic painting was a masterpiece, showcasing the painter’s talent and imagination.
  2. The artistic photograph captured the beauty of the landscape in a unique and compelling way.
  3. The artistic performance on stage left the audience in awe of the actors’ skills and creativity.

 28. Astonishing

 Astonishing is an adjective used to describe something that is extremely surprising, remarkable, or astounding.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An astonishing discovery.
  2. An astonishing view.
  3. An astonishing feat.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The astonishing discovery in the archaeological dig shed new light on ancient civilizations.
  2. The astonishing view from the mountaintop offered a breathtaking panorama of the entire valley.
  3. Their astonishing feat of breaking a world record left spectators in disbelief.

 29. Attractive

 Attractive is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is visually pleasing and draws positive attention.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An attractive person.
  2. An attractive house.
  3. An attractive landscape.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The attractive person had a magnetic charm that made them popular among their peers.
  2. The attractive house featured a well-maintained garden and stylish architecture.
  3. The attractive landscape with its colorful flowers and serene lake was a favorite spot for photographers.

30. Brave

 Brave is an adjective used to describe someone or something that faces fear or danger with courage and determination.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A brave soldier.
  2. A brave firefighter.
  3. A brave heart.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The brave soldier defended their country with unwavering courage on the battlefield.
  2. A brave firefighter rushed into the burning building to save lives without hesitation.
  3. She had a brave heart, always standing up for what she believed in, even in the face of adversity.

 31. Calm

 Calm is an adjective used to describe a state of tranquility, serenity, and absence of agitation.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A calm sea.
  2. A calm mind.
  3. A calm demeanor.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The calm sea reflected the blue sky, creating a peaceful and serene scene.
  2. A calm mind is essential for making clear decisions and maintaining inner peace.
  3. He maintained a calm demeanor in stressful situations, helping others stay composed as well.

32. Cheerful

 Cheerful is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is happy, positive, and full of good spirits.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A cheerful person.
  2. A cheerful song.
  3. A cheerful day.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The cheerful person’s infectious laughter and optimism brightened the room.
  2. A cheerful song playing in the background set a joyful and festive mood.
  3. It was a cheerful day with laughter and smiles shared among friends and family.

33. Clever

 Clever is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is quick-witted, intelligent, and resourceful.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A clever student.
  2. A clever inventor.
  3. A clever plan.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The clever student consistently came up with creative solutions to challenging problems.
  2. The clever inventor developed a groundbreaking device that revolutionized the industry.
  3. Her clever plan allowed the team to complete the project ahead of schedule.

 34. Colorful

 Colorful is an adjective used to describe something that is vibrant, rich in color, and visually striking.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A colorful rainbow.
  2. A colorful garden.
  3. A colorful sunset.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. After the rain, a colorful rainbow arched across the sky, captivating onlookers.
  2. The colorful garden featured a riot of flowers in various shades and hues.
  3. As the sun set, the sky turned into a breathtaking display of colorful shades.

 35. Compassionate

 Compassionate is an adjective used to describe someone or something that shows empathy, kindness, and a desire to help others.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A compassionate person.
  2. A compassionate doctor.
  3. A compassionate social worker.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The compassionate person was always there to lend a listening ear and offer support to those in need.
  2. The compassionate doctor showed great empathy and care toward patients, making them feel understood.
  3. A compassionate social worker worked tirelessly to improve the lives of disadvantaged individuals in the community.

36. Creative

 Creative is an adjective used to describe someone or something that exhibits imaginative and inventive qualities.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A creative artist.
  2. A creative writer.
  3. A creative thinker.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The creative artist’s unique works of art were admired for their originality and vision.
  2. A creative writer has the ability to craft compelling stories and engage readers’ imaginations.
  3. He was a creative thinker, always coming up with innovative solutions to complex problems.

 37. Curious

 Curious is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is eager to learn, explore, and ask questions.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A curious child.
  2. A curious cat.
  3. A curious mind.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The curious child’s endless questions and desire to learn were endearing and inspiring.
  2. The curious cat pawed at the mysterious object, trying to satisfy its natural inquisitiveness.
  3. His curious mind led him to pursue a wide range of interests and knowledge.

 38. Dangerous

 Dangerous is an adjective used to describe something or someone that poses a threat, risk, or hazard.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A dangerous cliff.
  2. A dangerous animal.
  3. A dangerous situation.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The dangerous cliff was off-limits due to its steep and unstable terrain.
  2. A dangerous animal was spotted in the area, prompting caution among residents.
  3. The dangerous situation required immediate action and emergency response.

 39. Dazzling

 Dazzling is an adjective used to describe something that is brilliantly bright, stunning, or impressive.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A dazzling smile.
  2. A dazzling display of fireworks.
  3. A dazzling array of stars.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. Her dazzling smile radiated warmth and happiness, making everyone around her feel joyful.
  2. The dazzling display of fireworks lit up the night sky, leaving spectators in awe.
  3. On a clear night, the dazzling array of stars in the sky created a breathtaking view.

 40. Delightful

 Delightful is an adjective used to describe something that is charming, pleasing, and brings joy.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A delightful surprise.
  2. A delightful conversation.
  3. A delightful meal.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The delightful surprise brought a broad smile to her face and filled her with happiness.
  2. A delightful conversation with an old friend was filled with laughter and reminiscing.
  3. The delightful meal at the restaurant featured exquisite flavors and left a lasting impression.

 41. Dramatic

 Dramatic is an adjective used to describe something that is intense, emotional, or highly expressive.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A dramatic sky.
  2. A dramatic performance.
  3. A dramatic event.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The dramatic sky painted with shades of red and purple created a breathtaking sunset.
  2. The dramatic performance on the theater stage moved the audience to tears with its powerful acting.
  3. The unexpected turn of events at the party made it a dramatic and memorable evening.

 42. Exciting

 Exciting is an adjective used to describe something that arouses interest, enthusiasm, or exhilaration.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An exciting adventure.
  2. An exciting movie.
  3. An exciting new job.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The exciting adventure led them through thrilling experiences and new discoveries.
  2. The exciting movie kept the audience on the edge of their seats with its suspense and action.
  3. Starting an exciting new job offered the promise of growth and fresh challenges.

43. Funny

 Funny is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is humorous and causes laughter.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A funny comedian.
  2. A funny story.
  3. A funny sense of humor.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The funny comedian had the audience in stitches with their witty jokes and hilarious anecdotes.
  2. He shared a funny story from his childhood that had everyone laughing.
  3. Her funny sense of humor made even serious situations more enjoyable and lighthearted.

44. Gentle

 Gentle is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is kind, tender, and not harsh or aggressive.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A gentle breeze.
  2. A gentle giant.
  3. A gentle touch.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves and brought relief on a hot summer day.
  2. Despite his imposing stature, he was known as a gentle giant who was always caring and considerate.
  3. She reached out with a gentle touch to comfort her friend in a time of sorrow.

45. Generous

 Generous is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is willing to give, share, or provide abundantly.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A generous person.
  2. A generous donation.
  3. A generous act of kindness.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The generous person consistently helped those in need, giving without expecting anything in return.
  2. Their generous donation to the charity made a significant impact on improving the lives of many.
  3. An anonymous act of kindness can be a generous gift to brighten someone’s day.

46. Genuine

 Genuine is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is authentic, real, and sincere.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A genuine smile.
  2. A genuine friendship.
  3. A genuine concern.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. Her genuine smile radiated warmth and was a reflection of her true emotions.
  2. A genuine friendship is built on trust, support, and shared experiences.
  3. Expressing genuine concern for others’ well-being can strengthen relationships and create a caring community.

47. Gifted

 Gifted is an adjective used to describe someone or something that possesses natural talent, exceptional ability, or unique skills.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A gifted athlete.
  2. A gifted musician.
  3. A gifted writer.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The gifted athlete’s talent on the field set them apart as a future star in the sport.
  2. The gifted musician could play multiple instruments with remarkable skill and passion.
  3. She was a gifted writer whose words resonated with readers and stirred their emotions.

48. Glorious

 Glorious is an adjective used to describe something that is splendid, magnificent, and inspiring admiration.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A glorious sunrise.
  2. A glorious victory.
  3. A glorious achievement.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The glorious sunrise painted the sky with vibrant hues of pink and gold.
  2. Their glorious victory in the championship game was a testament to their hard work and determination.
  3. Completing the marathon was a glorious achievement, and she felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

49. Graceful

 Graceful is an adjective used to describe someone or something that moves with elegance, poise, and beauty.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A graceful dancer.
  2. A graceful bird.
  3. Graceful movements.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The graceful dancer glided across the stage with fluid and elegant movements.
  2. The graceful bird soared through the sky, its wings outstretched in a beautiful display of flight.
  3. Her graceful movements in the ballet performance left the audience in awe of her talent.

50. Happy

 Happy is an adjective used to describe a state of joy, contentment, and positive emotions.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A happy child.
  2. A happy dog.
  3. A happy occasion.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The happy child’s laughter and smiles were infectious, bringing joy to everyone around.
  2. A happy dog wagged its tail in excitement as it bounded toward its owner.
  3. The happy occasion, such as a wedding, was filled with love and celebration.

51. Hardworking

 Hardworking is an adjective used to describe someone or something that puts in diligent effort, perseverance, and dedication.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A hardworking student.
  2. A hardworking employee.
  3. A hardworking athlete.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The hardworking student consistently studied late into the night to excel in academics.
  2. A hardworking employee’s dedication and commitment contributed to the success of the company.
  3. The hardworking athlete’s rigorous training regimen resulted in outstanding performance on the field.

52. Honest

 Honest is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is truthful, sincere, and upright in their actions and words.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An honest person.
  2. An honest answer.
  3. An honest mistake.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. An honest person values integrity and is known for their trustworthiness.
  2. She gave an honest answer, even when it meant admitting her own error.
  3. Acknowledging an honest mistake is a sign of integrity and responsibility.

53. Humorous

 Humorous is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is funny, entertaining, and capable of inducing laughter.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A humorous story.
  2. A humorous anecdote.
  3. A humorous sense of humor.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The humorous story had everyone in stitches with its witty and amusing plot.
  2. He shared a humorous anecdote about a comical mishap that occurred on his vacation.
  3. His humorous sense of humor brought joy and laughter to any social gathering.

54. Imaginative

 Imaginative is an adjective used to describe someone or something that displays a rich and creative imagination.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An imaginative child.
  2. An imaginative writer.
  3. An imaginative idea.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The imaginative child could turn a cardboard box into a spaceship, demonstrating boundless creativity.
  2. An imaginative writer weaves captivating tales that transport readers to fantastical realms.
  3. His imaginative idea for a new product sparked innovation and enthusiasm among the team.

55. Important

 Important is an adjective used to describe something that holds significance, value, or relevance.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An important message.
  2. An important lesson.
  3. An important decision.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The important message conveyed critical information that required immediate attention.
  2. An important lesson learned from adversity was the importance of resilience.
  3. Making an important decision often involves careful consideration and thoughtful analysis.

56. Impressive

 Impressive is an adjective used to describe something that evokes admiration, respect, or awe due to its excellence or grandeur.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An impressive building.
  2. An impressive performance.
  3. An impressive achievement.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The impressive building’s architectural design and scale drew tourists from around the world.
  2. The impressive performance on stage featured stunning choreography and powerful acting.
  3. Her impressive achievement in scientific research earned her recognition and awards.

57. Interesting

 Interesting is an adjective used to describe something that arouses curiosity, captivation, or engagement.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An interesting book.
  2. An interesting person.
  3. An interesting conversation.

58. Lazy

 Lazy is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is unwilling to work or exert effort, preferring inactivity.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A lazy cat.
  2. A lazy student.
  3. A lazy day.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The lazy cat lounged in the sun, enjoying its leisurely day of rest.
  2. A lazy student procrastinates on assignments, often waiting until the last minute.
  3. It was a lazy day when the whole family relaxed and enjoyed a break from their busy schedules.

59. Lucky

 Lucky is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is favored by chance or has good fortune.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A lucky streak.
  2. A lucky find.
  3. A lucky day.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. During the poker game, she experienced a lucky streak of winning hands.
  2. The lucky find of a valuable antique hidden in the attic brought unexpected wealth.
  3. It was a lucky day when they found the lost wallet with all their important documents intact.

60. Mysterious

 Mysterious is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is enigmatic, puzzling, or not easily understood.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A mysterious stranger.
  2. A mysterious forest.
  3. A mysterious book.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The mysterious stranger in the cloak appeared and disappeared without a trace, leaving people curious about their identity.
  2. The mysterious forest had an eerie ambiance with dense fog and strange sounds.
  3. The mysterious book held ancient secrets and concealed wisdom waiting to be unraveled.

61. Neat

 Neat is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is orderly, clean, and well-organized.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A neat room.
  2. A neat outfit.
  3. Neat handwriting.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The neat room had everything in its place, making it a peaceful and tidy environment.
  2. She wore a neat outfit that was both stylish and immaculate, leaving a great impression.
  3. Neat handwriting is appreciated for its clarity and ease of reading.

63. Nervous

 Nervous is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is anxious, uneasy, or stressed.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A nervous child.
  2. A nervous student.
  3. A nervous situation.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The nervous child clung to their parent’s hand as they entered the unfamiliar school.
  2. A nervous student felt apprehensive before the important exam, fearing the unknown.
  3. The nervous situation required careful planning and composure to navigate successfully.

64. Nice

 Nice is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is pleasant, agreeable, or kind.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A nice person.
  2. A nice day.
  3. A nice meal.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A nice person treats others with respect and courtesy, creating harmonious relationships.
  2. It was a nice day with clear skies, warm sunshine, and a gentle breeze.
  3. The nice meal at the local restaurant featured delicious flavors and excellent service.

65. Optimistic

 Optimistic is an adjective used to describe someone or something that has a positive outlook and expects favorable outcomes.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An optimistic person.
  2. An optimistic outlook.
  3. An optimistic expectation.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. An optimistic person sees challenges as opportunities for growth and maintains a hopeful attitude.
  2. An optimistic outlook on life enables one to face adversity with resilience and determination.
  3. Her optimistic expectation was that the team would achieve its goals through hard work and cooperation.

66. Peaceful

 Peaceful is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is calm, serene, and free from disturbance.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A peaceful beach.
  2. A peaceful forest.
  3. A peaceful melody.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The peaceful beach with its gentle waves and soft sand was an ideal spot for relaxation.
  2. A peaceful forest provided a tranquil escape from the chaos of city life, with birds singing and a serene atmosphere.
  3. The peaceful melody played on the piano had a soothing effect on those who listened.

67. Powerful

 Powerful is an adjective used to describe someone or something that possesses great strength, influence, or force.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A powerful engine.
  2. A powerful storm.
  3. A powerful leader.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The powerful engine of the sports car roared to life, propelling it with incredible speed.
  2. The powerful storm unleashed torrential rains and fierce winds, causing widespread damage.
  3. A powerful leader inspired people with their vision and brought about positive change.

68. Quiet

 Quiet is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is calm, silent, and free from noise.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A quiet place.
  2. A quiet person.
  3. A quiet day.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A quiet place in the countryside offered a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.
  2. He was a quiet person who listened more than spoke, observing the world with a thoughtful demeanor.
  3. It was a quiet day in the library, where students studied and read in tranquil surroundings.

69. Relaxed

 Relaxed is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is at ease, free from tension, and comfortable.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A relaxed atmosphere.
  2. A relaxed person.
  3. A relaxed feeling.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The relaxed atmosphere of the spa encouraged guests to unwind and rejuvenate.
  2. After a long day at work, he became a relaxed person once he settled into his favorite chair.
  3. A relaxed feeling washed over her as she lounged in a hammock, enjoying a moment of peace.

70. Reliable

 Reliable is an adjective used to describe someone or something that can be trusted, counted on, and depended upon.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A reliable car.
  2. A reliable friend.
  3. A reliable source of information.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The reliable car had never let him down, providing years of trouble-free transportation.
  2. A reliable friend is always there in times of need, offering support and loyalty.
  3. A reliable source of information ensures accurate and up-to-date data for research and decision-making.

71. Responsible

 Responsible is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is accountable, dependable, and carries out their duties with care.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A responsible student.
  2. A responsible employee.
  3. A responsible parent.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A responsible student completes assignments on time, studies diligently, and actively participates in

their education. 2. A responsible employee shows dedication to their job, meets deadlines, and takes ownership of their work.

  • Being a responsible parent involves providing love, guidance, and a safe environment for children to thrive.

72. Romantic

 Romantic is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is related to love, passion, or a sentimental view of relationships.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A romantic dinner.
  2. A romantic getaway.
  3. A romantic movie.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The romantic dinner by candlelight was the perfect setting for a memorable proposal.
  2. A romantic getaway to a cozy cabin in the mountains allowed the couple to rekindle their love.
  3. Watching a romantic movie together, they shared a box of popcorn and held hands in the dimly lit theater.

73. Sad

 Sad is an adjective used to describe a state of unhappiness, sorrow, or emotional distress.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A sad child.
  2. A sad song.
  3. A sad day.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The sad child’s tears were a result of losing their favorite toy, and their parents comforted them.
  2. A sad song with heartfelt lyrics and a melancholic melody touched the hearts of many listeners.
  3. It was a sad day when they attended the funeral of a loved one, surrounded by friends and family for support.

74. Satisfying

 Satisfying is an adjective used to describe something that provides contentment, fulfillment, or a sense of completeness.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A satisfying meal.
  2. A satisfying job.
  3. A satisfying achievement.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The satisfying meal, prepared with fresh ingredients, left diners full and content.
  2. A satisfying job offers not only financial stability but also a sense of purpose and personal growth.
  3. Completing a challenging project was a satisfying achievement that brought a sense of accomplishment.

75. Scared

 Scared is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is frightened, anxious, or fearful.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A scared child.
  2. A scared dog.
  3. A scary situation.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The scared child clung to their parent, seeking reassurance and comfort during the thunderstorm.
  2. A scared dog often seeks refuge in a safe space during thunderstorms or fireworks displays.
  3. Facing a scary situation can be intimidating, but courage and support from others can help overcome fear.

76. Scary

 Scary is an adjective used to describe something that induces fear, terror, or dread.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A scary movie.
  2. A scary haunted house.
  3. A scary situation.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The scary movie featured suspenseful scenes and eerie sound effects that kept viewers on the edge of their seats.
  2. The scary haunted house attraction during Halloween season was designed to frighten and thrill visitors.
  3. Finding oneself in a scary situation can trigger the body’s fight-or-flight response, leading to intense emotions and reactions.

77. Serious

 Serious is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is earnest, solemn, or not lighthearted.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A serious student.
  2. A serious conversation.
  3. A serious problem.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A serious student approaches their studies with dedication and a commitment to excellence.
  2. The serious conversation addressed important matters that required attention and thoughtful discussion.
  3. Solving a serious problem may involve collaboration, research, and strategic planning to reach a resolution.

78. Shy

 Shy is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is reserved, timid, or hesitant in social situations.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A shy child.
  2. A shy person.
  3. A shy demeanor.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The shy child found it challenging to interact with new classmates and often stayed close to their teacher.
  2. A shy person may need time to warm up in social settings but can be a valuable friend once comfortable.
  3. Her shy demeanor softened when she felt welcomed and included in the group, revealing a warm and friendly personality.

79. Silly

 Silly is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is playful, humorous, or characterized by lighthearted antics.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A silly joke.
  2. A silly face.
  3. A silly situation.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The silly joke, filled with puns and wordplay, had everyone in fits of laughter.
  2. Making a silly face in a photograph captured a carefree and fun moment.
  3. Finding oneself in a silly situation often leads to laughter and enjoyable memories.

80. Smart

 Smart is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is intelligent, clever, or quick-witted.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A smart student.
  2. A smart idea.
  3. A smart move.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A smart student consistently excels in academics and demonstrates a hunger for knowledge.
  2. A smart idea often leads to innovation and creative problem-solving.
  3. Making a smart move in a game or in business can lead to advantageous outcomes.

81. Smelly

 Smelly is an adjective used to describe something that emits an unpleasant or strong odor.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A smelly garbage can.
  2. A smelly sock.
  3. A smelly skunk.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The smelly garbage can needed to be emptied and cleaned to eliminate the foul odor.
  2. A smelly sock left unattended for a while can create an unpleasant scent in the room.
  3. Encountering a smelly skunk on a walk in the woods can be an unforgettable experience due to its distinctive odor.

82. Smoky

 Smoky is an adjective used to describe something that is filled with or characterized by smoke.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A smoky campfire.
  2. A smoky room.
  3. A smoky sky.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The smoky campfire crackled and provided warmth on a chilly evening in the wilderness.
  2. A smoky room resulting from a kitchen mishap called for opening windows to clear the air.
  3. The smoky sky after a fireworks display created a haze that gradually dissipated as the evening progressed.

83. Smooth

 Smooth is an adjective used to describe something that is even, sleek, or free from irregularities.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A smooth road.
  2. A smooth surface.
  3. A smooth voice.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. Driving on a smooth road offers a comfortable and efficient journey with minimal bumps.
  2. A smooth surface on the tabletop allowed the cards to slide effortlessly during the card game.
  3. The singer’s smooth voice captivated the audience, and their rendition of the song was flawless.

84. Soft

 Soft is an adjective used to describe something that is gentle, cushiony, or not harsh to the touch.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A soft blanket.
  2. A soft pillow.
  3. A soft breeze.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The soft blanket provided warmth and comfort on a cold winter night.
  2. A soft pillow, with its plush filling, offered a cozy place to rest one’s head.
  3. The soft breeze rustled the leaves, creating a soothing sound and bringing relief from the heat.

85. Speedy

 Speedy is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is fast, quick, or efficient in their actions.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A speedy car.
  2. A speedy runner.
  3. A speedy process.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The speedy car accelerated rapidly, reaching high speeds on the open highway.
  2. A speedy runner dashed across the finish line, setting a new record in the race.
  3. A speedy process for online transactions and payments enhances convenience and efficiency.

86. Splendid

 Splendid is an adjective used to describe something that is magnificent, impressive, or breathtaking in its beauty or grandeur.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A splendid view.
  2. A splendid performance.
  3. A splendid achievement.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The splendid view from the mountaintop showcased a vast landscape of rolling hills and pristine lakes.
  2. The splendid performance by the orchestra and soloist left the audience in awe and applause.
  3. Achieving a splendid achievement, such as winning a prestigious award, requires dedication and talent.

87. Strange

 Strange is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is unfamiliar, unusual, or odd in appearance or behavior.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A strange person.
  2. A strange event.
  3. A strange situation.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The strange person had a unique fashion sense and eccentric habits that intrigued those around them.
  2. The strange event, involving unexplained phenomena, puzzled scientists and investigators.
  3. Finding oneself in a strange situation may evoke a sense of curiosity or unease, depending on the circumstances.

88. Strong

 Strong is an adjective used to describe someone or something that has great physical power, resilience, or influence.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A strong person.
  2. A strong wind.
  3. A strong coffee.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A strong person exhibits physical and mental strength, often overcoming challenges and adversity.
  2. The strong wind during the storm uprooted trees and caused widespread damage.
  3. A strong coffee, brewed to perfection, can wake up the senses and provide a burst of energy.

89. Stupid

 Stupid is an adjective used to describe something or someone that lacks intelligence, makes poor decisions, or displays a lack of common sense.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A stupid mistake.
  2. A stupid person.
  3. A stupid idea.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The stupid mistake of leaving the keys in the car resulted in its theft.
  2. A stupid person often makes impulsive decisions without considering the consequences.
  3. Proposing a stupid idea without proper analysis can lead to wasted resources and time.

90. Successful

 Successful is an adjective used to describe someone or something that achieves a desired outcome, accomplishes goals, or attains recognition.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A successful business.
  2. A successful student.
  3. A successful athlete.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A successful business, built on a solid foundation, thrives in a competitive market.
  2. A successful student’s dedication to learning and diligence in studies yields excellent academic results.
  3. The successful athlete’s rigorous training and unwavering commitment resulted in victory and accolades.

91. Sunny

 Sunny is an adjective used to describe a state of brightness, happiness, or a clear sky with abundant sunlight.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A sunny day.
  2. A sunny smile.
  3. A sunny disposition.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A sunny day with blue skies and radiant sunshine beckoned people outdoors for picnics and recreation.
  2. Her sunny smile, filled with warmth and joy, brightened the room and lifted spirits.
  3. A sunny disposition is contagious, spreading positivity and optimism to those around.

92. Surprising

 Surprising is an adjective used to describe something unexpected, astonishing, or unforeseen.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A surprising gift.
  2. A surprising turn of events.
  3. A surprising discovery.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The surprising gift from a friend was a delightful and unexpected token of appreciation.
  2. A surprising turn of events in the plot of the novel added suspense and intrigue to the story.
  3. A surprising discovery in the field of science opened new possibilities and avenues for research.

93. Sweet

 Sweet is an adjective used to describe something that is pleasingly sugary, kind, or endearing.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A sweet tooth.
  2. A sweet dessert.
  3. A sweet melody.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A sweet tooth is a preference for sugary treats and confections.
  2. A sweet dessert, such as a chocolate cake, is a delightful way to conclude a meal.
  3. The sweet melody

played by the violinist evoked emotions of nostalgia and tenderness.

94. Tasty

 Tasty is an adjective used to describe something that has a pleasant and flavorful taste.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A tasty meal.
  2. A tasty snack.
  3. A tasty treat.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The tasty meal prepared by the chef featured a medley of flavors that delighted the palate.
  2. A tasty snack like popcorn or nachos is a popular choice for moviegoers at the theater.
  3. Enjoying a tasty treat, such as an ice cream cone, is a simple way to satisfy cravings on a hot summer day.

95. Tender

 Tender is an adjective used to describe something that is soft, gentle, or easily damaged.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A tender steak.
  2. A tender heart.
  3. A tender touch.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The tender steak, marinated to perfection, melted in the mouth with every savory bite.
  2. A tender heart is characterized by compassion and the ability to empathize with others’ feelings.
  3. A tender touch, when given in times of grief or comfort, can provide solace and reassurance.

96. Thoughtful

 Thoughtful is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is considerate, contemplative, or showing careful attention.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A thoughtful gift.
  2. A thoughtful gesture.
  3. A thoughtful person.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A thoughtful gift, chosen with the recipient’s preferences in mind, conveys appreciation and affection.
  2. A thoughtful gesture, such as a handwritten letter, demonstrates sincerity and kindness.
  3. A thoughtful person pays attention to details, listens actively, and extends support to those in need.

97. Thrilled

 Thrilled is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is greatly excited, elated, or filled with joy.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A thrilled child.
  2. A thrilled fan.
  3. A thrilled experience.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The thrilled child’s face lit up as they opened the surprise gift, revealing their excitement.
  2. A thrilled fan, after attending the concert of their favorite band, couldn’t stop talking about the unforgettable performance.
  3. Partaking in an adventurous experience, such as a thrilling roller coaster ride, left her thrilled with adrenaline and laughter.

98. Tiny

 Tiny is an adjective used to describe something that is extremely small in size.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A tiny ant.
  2. A tiny house.
  3. A tiny detail.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A tiny ant carries many times its weight in food, displaying incredible strength and determination.
  2. Living in a tiny house requires efficient use of space and minimalistic living.
  3. Paying attention to a tiny detail can make a significant difference in the overall quality of a project or design.

99. Ugly

 Ugly is an adjective used to describe something that is unattractive, displeasing to the eye, or visually unappealing.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An ugly sweater.
  2. An ugly building.
  3. An ugly scene.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The ugly sweater, worn at an “Ugly Christmas Sweater” party, featured garish colors and humorous designs.
  2. The old, dilapidated building stood out in the neighborhood as an eyesore due to its ugly appearance.
  3. An ugly scene at the crowded protest turned chaotic as tensions escalated between demonstrators and law enforcement.

100. Unique

 Unique is an adjective used to describe something that is one of a kind, distinct, or possessing singular characteristics.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A unique personality.
  2. A unique experience.
  3. A unique perspective.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. Her unique personality was a blend of creativity, intelligence, and a sense of humor that set her apart from others.
  2. Traveling to remote destinations can provide a unique experience filled with cultural immersion and exploration.
  3. A unique perspective can offer fresh insights and innovative solutions to complex problems.

101. Unhappy

 Unhappy is an adjective used to describe a state of discontent, dissatisfaction, or a lack of joy.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An unhappy child.
  2. An unhappy customer.
  3. An unhappy situation.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. An unhappy child often displays their emotions through tantrums or withdrawal, signaling a need for attention and support.
  2. An unhappy customer may voice their concerns and seek resolution to improve their experience.
  3. Finding oneself in an unhappy situation requires problem-solving and proactive steps to address the issues causing distress.

102. Unusual

 Unusual is an adjective used to describe something that is uncommon, atypical, or out of the ordinary.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. An unusual person.
  2. An unusual event.
  3. An unusual situation.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The unusual person was known for their eccentric habits and unconventional way of thinking.
  2. Witnessing an unusual event, such as a meteor shower, can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
  3. An unusual situation often requires adaptability and resourcefulness to navigate successfully.

103. Useful

 Useful is an adjective used to describe something that serves a purpose, provides value, or is practical.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A useful tool.
  2. A useful tip.
  3. A useful piece of information.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A useful tool, like a multi-function pocketknife, comes in handy for various tasks and emergencies.
  2. A useful tip for time management is to prioritize tasks and set achievable goals.
  3. A useful piece of information, when shared at the right moment, can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving.

104. Violent

 Violent is an adjective used to describe something that involves physical force, aggression, or harm.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A violent storm.
  2. A violent crime.
  3. A violent person.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. The violent storm unleashed heavy rain, strong winds, and lightning, causing damage to homes and infrastructure.
  2. A violent crime investigation required the collaboration of law enforcement agencies to bring the perpetrator to justice.
  3. A violent person poses a threat to the safety and well-being of others, and appropriate intervention is necessary to protect the community.

105. Wealthy

 Wealthy is an adjective used to describe someone or something that has a substantial amount of money, resources, or possessions.

Usage in a Phrase

  1. A wealthy person.
  2. A wealthy family.
  3. A wealthy country.

Usage in a Sentence

  1. A wealthy person often uses their financial resources to make charitable contributions and support causes they believe in.
  2. A wealthy family, with a long history of successful business ventures, enjoys a luxurious lifestyle and extensive assets.
  3. A wealthy country with a strong economy can invest in infrastructure, education, and healthcare for its citizens
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