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What is the Cube Number?-Definition, Cube of Fraction, And Negative Number

August 29, 2022
written by Azhar Ejaz

Whenever a number (x) is multiplied three times, then the resultant product number is known as the cube of that number. The cube for the number (x) is denoted as x3 and is read as “x-cubed” (or) “x raised to 3”. “x to the power of 3”

What is a Cube Number?

When an integer is multiplied by the same integer three times, the resultant number is called a cube number. Cube numbers are also known as perfect cubes. Thus, a cube number is a number with the exponential power of 3, or the multiplication of a number by itself three times

In geometry, the volume of a cube = length × width × height.

 For example:

4 × 4 × 4 = 43 = 64.

– 3 × – 3 × – 3 = -27.

Cube numbers of negative numbers are negative and

Cube numbers of positive numbers are positive.

Cube of Fraction

The cube of a fraction, Similar to the cube of a number, the cube of a fraction can be determined by multiplying it three times.

 For example, the cube of the fraction (3/5) can be written as 3/5 × 3/5 × 3/5.  We get the value of the cube as (3 × 3 × 3) / (5 × 5 × 5). This is equal to (33/ 53) = 27/125.

Cube of Negative Number

Calculating the cube of a negative number is the same as that of a whole number and fraction. The cube of a positive number is always a positive number.

For example, finding the cube of (+2). We know that the cube of (+2) is (+2) x (+2) x (+2) = (+8) hence prove the cube of a positive number is positive. The cube of a negative number is always negative. For example, finding the cube of -3. We know that the cube of -3 is (-3) × (-3) × (-3) = (-27) hence prove the cube of a negative number is negative.

Perfect Cube Number?

A perfect cube is a number that is a result of multiplying the same integer three times. For example, multiplying the number 4 three times Answer in 64. Therefore, 64 is a perfect cube.