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Computer Security โ€“ Types of Computer Security

October 30, 2022

Computer security (or cyber security) protects computer systems and information from harm, theft, and unauthorized use.

Computer hardware is usually protected by the same methods used to protect other valuable or sensitive equipment, such as serial numbers, doors and locks, and alarms.

There are two main ways to protect data in a database or in the cloud: One, you can simply lock down your system with security privileges.

Types of Computer Security

Computer security can be classified into four types:

Cyber Security

Cyber security involves protecting our computers, electronic devices, networks, programs, and systems from cyber-attacks. There are cyber attacks that happen when our system is connected to the internet.

Information Security

Protection of our systemโ€™s information from theft, illegal use, and piracy is known as information security. confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information are the three main objectives of information security.

Application Security

Application security involves securing our applications and data so that they donโ€™t get hacked and also the databases of the applications remain safe and private to the owner itself so that the userโ€™s data remains confidential.

Network Security

Network security involves protecting the userโ€™s information about who is connected through the network. Over the network, hackers steal data packets through sniffing and spoofing attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, wardriving, etc., and misuse the data for their benefit.

Types of Cyber Attacks

There are some types of cyber attacks.

Denial of service attack or DOS

A denial of service attack is a kind of cyber attack in which the attackers disrupt the services of the particular network by sending infinite requests and temporarily or permanently making the network or machine resources unavailable to the intended audience.


Eavesdropping is when someone secretly listens to someone talk. Attackers try to steal, manipulate, modify, and hack information by listening to network communication. If a third person listens to your private talk, then he/ she is said to eavesdrop on your conversation. If you connect to your network on the internet, attackers could listen to your private conversation.

Social engineering

Social engineering attack involves gaining usersโ€™ trust and manipulating them into giving up their confidential or sensitive data. The attacker usually exploits the trust of people or users by relying on their cognitive basis.

Polymorphic Attacks

Poly means โ€œmanyโ€ and morph means โ€œformโ€ and polymorphic attacks are those in which attackers change their forms so that they are not recognized easily. These kinds of attacks are hard to detect.


Working functioning is similar to Phishing and is pronounced as โ€œfishingโ€. We lure fish with bait while they are fishing. In Phishing, a user is tricked by the attacker who gains the trust of the user or acts as if he is a genuine person and then steals the information.

Some of the websites that seem to be genuine are actually fraud sites. The users are tricked by these sites and end up giving their personal information such as login details or bank details. There are many types of phishes, such as voice phishes, text phishing, and so on.


In order to gain access to information or resources that one is not authorized to have, spoofing is the act of masquerading as a valid entity through the misrepresentation of data. Email spoofing, IP address spoofing, and MAC spoofing are all types of spoofing.


Malicious and Software are the two terms used to describe the type of malicious software. There is a piece of software that is designed to damage computers. There are a number of different kinds of malicious software.


A back door attack is when a piece of software gets installed in our system and affects our security. If you are installing free software from a website on the internet, consider an example. Along with this software, a malicious file also gets installed, and as soon as you execute the installed software that fileโ€™s malware gets affected, and starts affecting your computer security. This is a method of gaining access to something.