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10 Examples of Hypertext

November 16, 2023
written by Nouman Bajwa

Hypertext is used in a variety of applications, including Wikipedia articles, blog posts, interactive ebooks, online news articles, HTML web pages, interactive tutorials, online shopping websites, social media posts, emails, and interactive maps.


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Example of hypertext in article image 1

Examples of Hypertext

Here are some examples of Hypertext:

1. Wikipedia Articles

Wikipedia is like a giant encyclopedia online, where you can learn about almost anything. The cool thing about Wikipedia is that the articles are all linked together.

So, if you’re reading about something and you want to learn more about a specific topic, you can just click on a link and it will take you to another article about that topic. It’s like having a never-ending book that you can explore at your own pace.

2. Blog Posts with Embedded Links

Blog Posts are like online journals where people can write about their thoughts and ideas. Sometimes, bloggers will include links in their posts to other websites or articles that they think you might be interested in.

It is a great way to learn more about a topic or to find new and interesting things to read.

3. Interactive Ebooks

Ebooks are like electronic books that you can read on your computer or tablet. Some ebooks are interactive, which means that they have links that you can click on to learn more about a topic or to watch a video. This can make reading ebooks even more fun and engaging.

4. Online News Articles

Online News Articles are like articles in a newspaper, but they are published online instead of on paper. One of the cool things about online news articles is that they often include links to other articles or websites that can provide you with more information about a story.

This is a great way to get a well-rounded understanding of current events.

5. HTML Web Pages

Websites are made up of HTML web pages. HTML is a special code that tells the computer how to display a webpage. One of the things that HTML can do is create links. So, when you’re looking at a webpage, you might see words or phrases that are underlined or blue.

These links, when clicked in popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, can take you to other web pages or even download files.

Example of hypertext in HTML Webpage image

6. Interactive Tutorials

Interactive Tutorials are like step-by-step guides that can teach you how to do something. They are even better because they allow you to click on links to get more information or to watch videos. This can make learning a new skill much easier and more fun.

7. Online Shopping Websites:

Online shopping websites are like stores that you can visit from your computer or tablet. One of the things that makes online shopping so convenient is that you can click on links to learn more about a product or to see pictures of it. You can also click on links to read reviews from other customers.

8. Social Media Posts:

Social Media Posts are like messages that people share online. Sometimes, people will include links in their posts to other websites or articles that they think you might be interested in. This can be a great way to find new and interesting things to read or watch.

9. Emails with Hyperlinks

Emails are like electronic letters that you can send to people online. Sometimes, people will include links in their emails to other websites or documents. This can be a great way to share information with others or to provide them with more details about something.

10. Interactive Maps with Information Points

Interactive Maps are like maps that you can use to explore a place online. Sometimes, interactive maps have information points that you can click on to learn more about a specific location. This can be a great way to plan a trip or to learn more about a place that you’re interested in.


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