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5 Letter Words Starting With C

January 18, 2024
written by Areej Khan

Many 5-letter words in English start with the letter ‘C. Learning these words can help you play word games and crossword puzzles better. Below is a list of some 5-letter ‘C’ words to help you.

ClearEasy to perceive, understand, or interpret.The instructions were clear, and everyone knew what to do.
ChimeA melodious sound, typically produced by bells.The church bells began to chime, signaling the start of the ceremony.
CoastThe land near a shore; to move without using power.The children enjoyed playing on the coast, building sandcastles.
ChoseSimple past tense of “choose,” meaning to select.She chose the blue dress for the special occasion.
ChirpA short, high-pitched sound, as made by small birds.The birds began to chirp as the sun rose in the morning.
CometA celestial body with a bright, long tail of gas and dust.The comet was visible in the night sky, captivating astronomers.
CreakA harsh, grating sound, typically of a door or floorboard.The old wooden floor would creak with every step.
CrispFirm and dry, producing a sharp sound when bitten or crushed.The apples were crisp and refreshing on a hot summer day.
CraftSkill in making things, especially with the hands.The artist demonstrated her craft in sculpting intricate figurines.
ClimbTo ascend or move upward, often using hands and feet.We decided to climb to the top of the mountain for a better view.
CreekA narrow, shallow stream or brook.The children played by the creek, skipping stones on the water.
CasteA social class or system based on birth or hereditary factors.The caste system was deeply ingrained in the historical society.
CrownA circular ornamental headdress worn by a monarch.The queen wore a dazzling crown during the coronation ceremony.
CivilRelating to citizens and their interactions; polite and courteous.The debate remained civil despite differing opinions.
CrashA sudden loud noise, typically involving collision or impact.The crash of thunder echoed through the valley during the storm.
CrimeAn action or omission that constitutes an offense against the law.Solving the crime required careful investigation by the detective.
CurveA smoothly bending line or surface.The road took a sharp curve as it wound through the mountains.
CreakA harsh, grating sound, typically of a door or floorboard.The creak of the door announced the arrival of an unexpected guest.
CheerShout for joy or in praise; support with applause.The crowd gathered to cheer on their favorite sports team.
CloudA visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals in the atmosphere.Dark clouds gathered, hinting at an impending rainstorm.
CraftSkill in making things, especially with the hands.Woodworking is a craft that requires precision and creativity.
CrispFirm and dry, producing a sharp sound when bitten or crushed.The leaves underfoot were crisp in the cool autumn air.
CatchTo seize or capture; to intercept a flying object.He managed to catch the ball just before it hit the ground.
CrashA sudden loud noise, typically involving collision or impact.The crash of the waves against the rocks was deafening.
CrawlTo move forward on hands and knees; to move slowly.The baby began to crawl, exploring the room with curiosity.
CoastThe land near a shore; to move without using power.We decided to coast down the hill on our bicycles.
ChoseSimple past tense of “choose,” meaning to select.She chose the green paint for the accent wall in her room.
ChimeA melodious sound, typically produced by bells.The clock began to chime, marking the passage of each hour.
CometA celestial body with a bright, long tail of gas and dust.The comet was visible in the night sky, dazzling observers.
CraftSkill in making things, especially with the hands.The artisan demonstrated her craft in creating intricate jewelry.
ClearEasy to perceive, understand, or interpret.His explanation was clear, making the concept easy to grasp.
CrispFirm and dry, producing a sharp sound when bitten or crushed.The chef baked the potatoes until they were golden and crisp.
CreakA harsh, grating sound, typically of a door or floorboard.The old staircase would creak with every step we took.
CiderA beverage made from the fermented juice of apples.We enjoyed a refreshing glass of apple cider on a hot day.
CreekA narrow, shallow stream or brook.The trail led us to a peaceful creek surrounded by nature.
CrownA circular ornamental headdress worn by a monarch.The queen’s crown sparkled with diamonds and precious gems.
CivilRelating to citizens and their interactions; polite and courteous.The discussion remained civil despite differing opinions.
CrimeAn action or omission that constitutes an offense against the law.Solving the crime required the expertise of a skilled detective.
CurveA smoothly bending line or surface.The road took a sharp curve as it wound through the hills.
CatchTo seize or capture; to intercept a flying object.She managed to catch the Frisbee with a skillful leap.
CrawlTo move forward on hands and knees; to move slowly.The baby learned to crawl before taking her first steps.
CloudA visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals in the atmosphere.Dark clouds gathered, signaling an approaching storm.
ClockA device for measuring and displaying the time.The antique clock chimed every hour, filling the room with a melodic sound.
CoralA hard substance formed from the skeletons of marine polyps.The underwater landscape was adorned with colorful coral reefs.
ChaseTo pursue in order to catch or catch up with.The police officer had to chase the suspect on foot.
CraftSkill in making things, especially with the hands.Pottery is a craft that requires precision and creativity.
CrispFirm and dry, producing a sharp sound when bitten or crushed.The leaves underfoot were crisp in the cool autumn air.
CrowdA large group of people gathered together.The crowd cheered as the parade passed through the streets.

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